Their ruling passion is that of carnal love. 他们现在情欲正盛。
Love is spiritual, lust is carnal. 爱是精神的,情欲是肉体的。
All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence. 一切不能忍受试验的,都不过是肉体的信心。
They have dissolved the carnal family, and constituted in their community a spiritual family. 他们离开了家庭骨肉,在修会里组成了精神方面的家庭。
For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? 有说,我是属亚波罗的。这岂不是你们和世人一样吗。
Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation. 这些事连那饮食和诸般洗濯的规矩,都不过是属肉体的条例,命定到振兴的时候为止。
But he moved his girlfriend in with him while he worked his last gig& then died at the age of37 from a fever brought on, some said, by carnal excess. 然后在37岁时因为发烧不幸辞世。有人说,他发烧是由纵欲过度引起的。
At night Marquis slept close to the trunks of trees, touching the bark in a way that she describes as almost carnal. 晚上睡觉的时候马奎斯就贴着树干,用自己称之为近乎于情欲的方式摩挲树皮。
I have to create the fusion of your resistance carnal ultimate tribute to masculinity, my sense require your total relaxation, opens the door of your soul. 我要创建您的抵抗,最终融合肉体的男性表示敬意,我的感觉需要你彻底放松,打开了你的心灵之门。
As this hint came recommended by a certain sum of arrears presently payable, Stephen had carnal wisdom enough to embrace the proposal. 由于暗示可以得到一笔现款,斯蒂芬利益熏心足以欣然接受这个建议。
Carnal desire of female, which has been depressed for a long time, has to be untied through the novels of Eileen. 严格地抑制强烈的感情3.女性长久被压抑的情欲透过张爱玲的小说得到解封。
Action Parinirvana possesses two kinds, which may have the two carnal bodies or four carnal bodies. 行动涅磐有两类,这有两种肉身或四种肉体。
Who is made not according to the law of a carnal commandment, but according to the power of an indissoluble life. 因为他之成为司祭,并不是按照血统所规定的法则,而是按照不可消灭的生命的德能。
Gluttong and drunkenness have been called carnal vices. 贪食和嗜酒被称为肉体上的罪恶。
Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor. 肉体本能甲胄不再享有护甲加成。
"So I am only capable of carnal lusts?" “那么说,我就只能有淫欲了?”
Their whole nature was carnal and sinful. 他们整个的天性是属乎肉体,是在罪中。
Parasites are renowned for their deceptive dealings with their hosts, but the blister beetle takes its subterfuge to a carnal extreme. 寄生虫以他们对宿主的寄生功能而著称,但是斑蝥却将他们的欺瞒手段发挥到了淫耻的地步。
Experiment a method better than general of observation method, consumedly strengthen the active that people obtain sensitive faculty material and feeling carnal knowledge. 试验方法优于一般的观察方法,大大加强了人们获取感性材料和感性经验的主动性。
To drown our carnal love. 来将肉体的爱淹没。
"Worse still, all dissolute wretches since ancient times have drawn a distinction between love of beauty and carnal desire, between love and lust, so as to gloss over their immorality." “更可恨者,自古来多少轻薄浪子,皆以`好色不淫'为饰,又以`情而不淫'作案,此皆饰非掩丑之语也”
To sustain the illusion that his damp and drafty stone farmhouse in the hills was a golden palace of carnal delights. 为了对外保持一个假象,好显得他这所潮湿漏风的石砌山间农舍是个寻欢纵欲的绝妙之处。
Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken. 我们必须离弃卑贱低下的恩想,必须挪去怀疑悲观的意念,也必须抛除自我追求和属世的享乐。
All grass here have the same name of Yang Yuhuan. They are plump, succulent and would arouse one's carnal desire. 这里的草都叫杨玉环,丰腴、嫩泽、充满肉质的诱惑。
It's just pure carnal nirvana. 这是纯粹的性爱天堂。
I am an honest man, seeking to do my duty in this carnal universe, and set my face against all vice and treachery. 我是一个正直的人,力求在这淫欲的人世尽我的责任,反对一切罪恶和不忠不信的行为。
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? 你们仍是属肉体的。因为在你们中间有嫉妒分争,这岂不是属乎肉体,照着世人的样子行吗。
Music academics conduct and actions is an academics, it have the system of oneself, from music of many main factor of feeling carnal knowledge arrive reasonableness understanding; 音乐学科作为一门学科,它有着自身的体系,从音乐的诸多要素的感性经验到理性认识;
If the west of Middle Ages ever reached the extreme that God was the highest ruler, and then, the modern civilization in the 20th century western slipped to another that the carnal desire overflowed very much. 如果说中世纪的西方曾达到了神性至上的极端,那么,20世纪的西方现代文明则滑向了物欲泛滥的另一极。