I suppose Carolyn went off with some man she'd fallen in love with. 我想卡罗琳与她爱上的那个男人私奔了。
We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn 我们以前经常见到他的妻子卡罗琳。
CAROLYN: Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house. 凯洛琳:艾博特和我需要很多东西装潢家里。
STEPHANIE: Sure, Carolyn. I'm happy to help you. 史蒂芬妮:当然可以,我很乐意帮忙。
CAROLYN: Well, we have most of the furniture already. 凯洛琳:大部分的家具我们都有了。
CAROLYN: I have a friend that said something about a place called Price Club. 凯洛琳:我有个朋友提到一个地方叫“优待价俱乐部”。
CAROLYN: Can I write that down? 凯洛琳:我可以写下来吗?
Carolyn, did you see thee-mail that I sent yesterday? 卡洛琳,你看了我昨天给你发过去的邮件了吗?
The email purportedly from Carolyn Bourne warned her stepson's fiance about her poor etiquette. 据称,这封电邮出自卡罗琳伯恩之手,她在信中警告继子的未婚妻没规矩。
Carolyn: When I saw you two at the party the other night, you seemed perfectly happy. 凯洛琳:那一晚我在晚会上见到你们两个,你看上去好像很幸福。
Carolyn: Your father seems to think this kind of behavior is something to be proud of. 凯洛琳:你父亲好像觉得这种行为很让人自豪。
"She just died," the doctor told Michael and Carolyn. 医生对迈可和卡洛琳说:她就这么死了。
Carolyn looked around her, at the sink, the floor, at the table, at everything. 卡洛琳环顾四周,看着洗涤池,地板,桌子和每一件东西。
Carolyn was on the phone immediately. 卡洛琳马上抓住电话不放。
You've met george. you've met carolyn. 你们见过乔治,见过卡罗琳。
Two tapes are recommended to patients: "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, and "Why People Don't Heal and How They Can" by Carolyn Myss. 两个磁带给病人建议:“约瑟夫坎贝尔与条例草案莫耶斯电源的神话”,和“人们为什么不愈合,他们如何能”卡罗琳Myss。
Michael is seventeen. Carolyn is sixteen. 迈可十七岁,卡洛琳十六岁。
She and her roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew, hurried to dress and prepare Diana for her big date. 缪,匆匆忙忙地梳洗打扮并为黛安娜做好了去赴这个重大约会的准备。
Carolyn just apologized to me for that yesterday. carolyn昨天才跟我道过歉的。
One day, Carolyn, my nurse, and I actually went to the cafeteria; we didn't come back to the disabled class. 有一天,我的护士Carolyn和我真的去了餐厅;而且没有回残疾人班。
Carolyn, please stop playing with your baby and go potty. 请不要跟你的宝宝玩了,去厕所吧。
In the course of my research and writing, I asked to meet with Michael and Carolyn three more times. 在我研究和写作的过程中,又要求会见过三次迈可和卡洛琳。
Look, carolyn, I'm gonna need you to go to New York and sweet-talk them. 听着,卡罗林,我要你去纽约和他们说点好话。
In contrast, Carolyn, a34-year-old care assistant, is typical of the unlucky group. 与此相反,三十四岁的服务助理卡罗琳是不幸组的典型。
If Carolyn doesn't improve in math this semester, she'll have to find a tutor. 如果这学期卡洛琳数学没有长进的话,她必须找一个辅导老师。
Carolyn manages Sheila's identity and saves face. 卡洛琳定位希拉身份给足面子。
Following the memorial service, Michael and Carolyn drove slowly to Roseman Bridge and carried out francesca's instructions. 追悼会过后,迈可和卡洛琳缓缓驱车到罗斯曼桥,执行弗朗西丝卡的遗嘱。
Now after Carolyn, and all the other guys, I feel like shit. 现在,在Carolyn和其他人演讲之后,我觉得很「逊」。
Carolyn is a member of the Committee for the Northeast link program and was the keynote speaker in2004. 卡洛琳是东北联系计划委员会的委员并担任2004年的主讲人。