n. (在知名度不高的地区参加竞选因而不受当地欢迎的)外来政客; (美国内战后去南方)投机钻营的北方人 carpetbagger的复数
N-COUNT (到自以为会得势的地方参加竞选的)外来政客,提包客 If you call someone a carpetbagger, you disapprove of them because they are trying to become a politician in an area which is not their home, simply because they think they are more likely to succeed there.
He had come to Washington, not as a common carpetbagger, but a man well known. 他来到华盛顿时,不是以寻常的外来政客的身份,而是作为一位名人。
I'll make friends with the Yankee carpetbaggers. 我会和北佬投机家做生意。
Japanese land in Formosa was appropriated by mainland carpetbaggers, while the North China Exploitation Company seized several hundred thousand mow of land in Hopei. 日本人在台湾的土地被大陆来的接收大员据为已有,华北垦业公司则侵吞了河北几十万亩土地。
After the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south. 美国内战以后,北方地鞭长莫及者试图控制南方。
Following the Civil War, the Southern slaves were set free. after the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south. 美国南北战争之后,南方奴隶获得了解放。美国内战以后,北方地鞭长莫及者试图控制南方。
No rich carpetbaggers, no scallawags, no Republicans came to the house now at his invitation. 现在他邀请来家的人中已没有提包党人,没有拥护共和党的南部白人,也没有共和党分子了。
The Yankees and the Carpetbaggers have got it and there's nothing left for us! 北方佬和投机商们把它占领了,我们一无所有了!
I sure will. I's got enough of them carpetbaggers. 我会的,我跟那些北佬很熟了。