Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots? 为什么最新政策强调采取强硬手段,而不是采用外交上的怀柔策略?
Cool off the carrots quickly. 将胡萝卜迅速冷却。
Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate. 马德里加尔夫人将更多的胡萝卜堆到了迈克尔的盘子里。
Lift carrots on a dry day and pack them horizontally in boxes of damp sand. 晴天时把胡萝卜挖出来,平放在装有湿沙的盒子里。
They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots& cabbage 他们吃了由两个土豆、两根胡萝卜和洋白菜做的糊。
Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples. 将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。
Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender 将胡萝卜蒸至刚好变软。
There is a shortage of carrots. So everybody starts growing carrots. Next season, surprise, surprise, there is a glut of carrots. 胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。
She bought a cauliflower and some carrots. 她买了一个菜花和一些胡萝卜。
She diced the carrots for the soup. 她把胡萝卜切成细丁做汤。
Carrots have magic power on lowering blood pressure and blood fat. 红萝卜,显神通,降压降脂有奇功。
Carrots, eggs, and coffee. 胡萝卜、鸡蛋和咖啡。
I have eight carrots. 我有八个胡萝卜。
I like to eat apples, carrots, chicken and fish. 我喜欢吃苹果,胡萝卜,鸡肉和鱼。
I want some eggplant, cucumbers, carrots and peas. 我要一些茄子,小黄瓜,红葡萄和豌豆。
Look! Peas, carrots, beef and tomato soup. 看!豌豆,胡萝卜,牛肉和西红柿汤。
The salad is made up of lettuce, carrots and apples. 这沙拉是用生菜、萝卜和苹果做的。
I like to eat grass and carrots. 我喜欢吃草和胡萝卜。
Yes, I like it, especially pickled cucumbers and carrots. 是的,我喜欢,尤其是腌黄瓜和红萝卜。
For vegetables we have carrots, peas, broccoli and potatoes. 蔬菜我们有胡萝卜、豆、椰菜和土豆。
Sarah: Yes, I want one onion and two carrots. 莎拉:是的,我要一个洋葱和两根胡萝卜。
Guido and I had a simple nice lunch. I made chicken, carrots, spinach and mashed potato. 罗罗和我的简餐(中饭)。我做了鸡肉,胡萝卜,菠菜和土豆泥。
You can eat carrots cooked or raw. 胡萝卜可以煮熟了吃或生吃。
If you really want to help, you can peel these potatoes and carrots. 如果你真的想帮忙,那你就帮我削这些马铃薯和红萝卜好了。
Not that Londoners are starving: the United Kingdom has plenty of lamb and beef, potatoes and carrots. 不是英国人挨饿了,英国有大量的牛肉和羊肉,土豆和胡萝卜等等。
Well, I like turnips, tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflowers, onions and carrots. 噢,我喜欢大萝卜、西红柿、茄子、菜花、洋葱和胡萝卜。
Jenny and me was like peas and carrots. 珍妮和我就像豌豆和胡萝卜,形影不离。
I'll have carrots and broccoli. 我们点些胡萝卜和花椰菜。
The goat: I want some grass and some carrots. 山羊:我想要一些草和胡萝卜。
What else did you do I pulled up carrots. 你还做了其它什么?我拔胡萝卜了。