At the end of the day, there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of "we wake u in a panic," Cartwright says. 卡特莱特说,说到底,只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或“从梦中惊醒”,就没有多少理由在意所做的梦。
For an outsider like me [ Cartwright is South African], with a sentimental view of Oxford, it seems that the power of the myth of Oxford and its consequent value are underestimated by those who live and work there. 对于像我这样一个对牛津抱有感情的局外人(南非人)而言,牛津的力量与神话似乎被那些在当地生活工作的人所低估。
Trivia: Cartwright is a leading member of the Church of Scientology. 你知道吗:卡特赖特是基督教科学派的主要成员。
When I was watching Stapleton, Cartwright was frequently watching you, so that I was able to keep my hand upon all the strings. 靠着他,我才能弄到食物和干净衣服,在我监视着斯台普吞的时候,卡特莱经常在监视着你,因此我的手就能抓住了所有的线索。
China is a significant contributor to the decline, Ms Cartwright said, but she added that this was not just a China issue. 卡特赖特表示:中国是销售下降的重大因素。但她接着说道,这不仅仅是中国问题。
General James Cartwright told reporters that the focus was still on defence but offensive approaches were also needed. 卡特莱特(JamesCartwright)将军告诉记者,重点仍然在防御方面,但是也有必要采取适当的进攻方法。
Cartwright is called "the father of baseball" because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules. 卡特赖特被称为“棒球之父”,因为这项运动的现代规则跟他最初制订的规则非常相似。
Miz Cartwright says for people who sleep well, dreaming can help them control their emotions during the day. 卡特莱特女士说,对于那些睡得好的人,做梦有助于他们在白天控制自己的情绪。
The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright's clinic. 在卡特怀特的诊所的病人可以看出梦和情绪之间的联系。
Dreaming is a "mood regulatory system," says Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, chairman of the psychology department at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. 梦是一个“情绪调整系统”,芝加哥拉什大学(RushUniversity)医疗中心的心理科主任罗莎琳德·卡特赖特博士说。
The US spends 90 per cent of its cyber spending on defence and only 10 per cent on deterrence, the opposite of the balance for traditional arms, said Gen. James Cartwright, vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of staff. 美国参谋长联席会议副主席詹姆斯卡特赖特上将(jamescartwright)表示,美国把网络支出的90%用在了防御领域,只有10%放在了威慑方面,这与传统的武器平衡相反。
General James Cartwright, vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said the military had a high degree of confidence that we got the tank but cautioned that it would take another two days to make a final confirmation. 美军参谋长联席会议副主席詹姆斯•卡特赖特将军(GeneralJamesCartwright)称,美国军方高度确信我们击中了油箱,但他谨慎地表示,还需要两天才能进行最终确认。
She used to be Rachel elliot& I think her married name is cartwright. 她曾叫雷切尔艾略特一我想她的夫姓是卡特赖特。
Hewitt's spirits remained high enough, in fact, that he found time to propose marriage to girlfriend, actress Rebecca Cartwright, just moments after the match. 事实上,休伊特的心情仍然相当不错,他在球赛结束不久,便找机会向演员女友蕾贝卡.卡莱特开口求婚。
Paul Cartwright confessed to the murder. 保罗卡特赖特承认了谋杀。
In one study, Doctor Cartwright examined women who were ending their marriages in divorce. 卡特赖特博士在一项研究中对离婚妇女进行了调查。
Iran and North Korea have no ICBMs, but they do have hundreds of medium and short-range missiles, said James Cartwright, vice-chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a press conference last week. 伊朗和北朝鲜没有洲际弹道导弹,但是他们确实有成百上千个中短程导弹,美国参谋首长联席会议副主席詹姆斯·卡特莱特在上周召开新闻发布会上说。
By2018, says Cartwright, airborne sensors and bigger interceptors will defend all of Europe from missiles up to intermediate range. 卡特莱特说,到2018年,机载探测装置和更大的拦截器将捍卫整个欧洲免遭中程导弹的攻击。
WPC Cartwright has a BA in psychology. 卡特莱女警拥有心理学学士学位。
Researcher Rosalind Cartwright says the study of dreams is changing because scientists are now spending more time trying to understand why some people have problems sleeping. 研究人员罗莎琳德。卡特莱特说,梦的研究工作正在改变,因为现在科学家们正花费更多时间去试图了解为什么有些人存在睡眠问题。
What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams? 卡特怀特大概给那些有时做恶梦的人什么建议?
A: Hello. I need to speak with Allan Cartwright. 你好,我想跟艾仑车匠通话。
But Cartwright argued that there was a tension between laws 'truth and explanatory power. True laws can not explain and laws that can explain usually are false. 但是卡特赖特认为基础定律的真实性和说明力之间存在一种紧张关系,正确的定律不能用于说明,用于说明的定律通常是错误的定律。
This dissertation aims to comprehensively analyze the thoughts of Nancy Cartwright, who is one of the most important and influential philosopher of science today. 本文从收集、解读原始文献和相关史料出发,较全面地分析了被认为是当代最重要、最有影响力的科学哲学家之一的南希.卡特赖特的哲学思想。