The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers. 象牙行业的从业牙雕师约有一千名。
As sustainable biology is ascended into then warfare and disease shall cease; and this requires focus in the undertaking on the part of the map carvers to foster. 当提升到自我维生的生物体时,那么战争及疾病将会停止,而这需要由地图绘制者不断聚焦以将其培育。
This shall allow other human initiates to ascend with greater ease than Mila or Oa, or many other map carvers global wide. 这将允许其它提升人类要比Mila、Oa和全球许多其他地图绘制者而言更容易提升。
As of this past spring, another manner in which humanity and earth alike looses dream has been understood through the map carvers of ascension. 在刚刚过去的这个春季,人类和地球丢失梦想的另外一个方式,通过提升地图绘制者得到了理解。
Not enough love translates into limited forgiveness and this has been a vast problem in most map carvers attempted ascensions thus far; and It is why we are pointing this out. 没有足够多的爱就转译成有限的原谅,而这已经是许多尝试提升的地图绘制者们至今所面临的一个巨大问题,也正是为什么我们要指出这一点的原因所在。
If approved, people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work. 一旦申请通过,那些从事牛肉拉面、临夏砖雕等特色职业的师傅将需要先通过资格考试再就业。
For the map carvers, you are clearing the road for the ascending children. 对地图绘制者而言,你正在为提升孩童净化道路。
A number of Chinese block carvers and printers emigrated to Japan in this period, and the quantity and quality of printing improved. 大量中国的木雕匠和印刷工于此时移居日本,使得印刷的数量和质量都有较大地提升。
On the top of the mountain, they saw some people who were enjoying penglading, down below a lot of carvers of eating grass in the field. 在山顶上,保罗看到人们高兴地(?)。把带的许多吃的东西放在草地上。
Therefore there will be additional changes to the field and form as the map carvers continue to carve the map to Bodhisattva for all of humanity to follow. 因此,当地图拓制者继续拓出通往菩萨级别的地图之时,将有更多能量场和身体的变化来让所有人类来跟随。
But the Carvers soon realized that they could not answer all the brilliant boy's questions. 但卡弗夫妇很快就发现他们已经回答不了这个聪明的小男孩提出的问题了。
Jewelers, potters, and carvers display their wares in the shade along the city's main square. 珠宝商、陶艺家和雕刻家在这座城市广场的阴凉处展示着他们的货物。
It has long been a puzzle for jade carvers in antique jade article imitating, a discussion of which is of great importance to succeed and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese antique jade carving. 古玉器的仿制工艺历来是玉器加工业者难以适从的问题,探讨其中的奥妙,对传承和推动中国古玉器的发展和繁荣具有重要意义。
The Dream Carvers: Constructing Identity through Narration 《雕刻梦幻的人》:在叙事中构建自我