N-COUNT (社会工作者的)工作量;(医生的)病例数;(律师的)个案总量 The caseload of someone such as a doctor, social worker, or lawyer is the number of cases that they have to deal with.
Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee. 社会工作者说,雇员的平均工作量是每人32个家庭。
In Anoka County, three inspectors have caseloads of more than 200 providers and aren't able to spend as much time with individual providers as they would like. 在安诺卡县,超过200名负责人仅配有3名视察员,视察员无法给每个负责人那里安排尽可能多的时间。
The increase in caseloads has been striking. 案件数量的增长十分惊人。
But business fears that neither body will offer salaries competitive enough to attract the sharpest brains and that both institutions will lack experience in dealing with the likely caseloads. 但商界担心,两家机构不会提供具备足够竞争力的薪酬来吸引最有头脑的人,而且两家机构都没有足够的经验应对可能出现的办案量。
Some lower courts are beginning to try fast-track or small claims resolving systems under the pressure of heavy caseloads, but their differed practice will hampers the Legal Unification undoubtedly. 一些基层法院在诉讼压力下开始试行速裁制度和小额案件审理制度,但各地自行其是,不利于法制的统一。