Few had expected that change to be as cataclysmic as it turned out to be. 没有几个人料到那个变化会如此翻天覆地。
A software project that has a consistently increasing earned value profile is certain to have a pending cataclysmic regression. 一个具有一张价值持续不断增长曲线图的软件项目一定会有一个待解决的很大的回归。
What I now know is that losses aren't cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing. 现在我知道,如果失去能促使内心和灵魂在伤害和愈合间的自然循环,那就不是灾难性的。
In January 1914 few Europeans imagined that, seven months later, their political and military leaders would plunge the world into a cataclysmic war. 1914年1月的时候,欧洲很少有人能想到,7个月后,他们的政治和军事领袖将把全世界拖入一场灾难性的战争当中。
One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event. 人们很容难把恐龙长逝的缘由归结为宽酷的灾难性事件。
The Baltic states broke free from Russia without too much dramatic upheaval ( a development I remember only too well, since I started my career as a journalist writing about those Baltic revolutions and found the lack of cataclysmic drama frustrating). 波罗的海国家脱离俄罗斯,也没有引发太剧烈的动荡(我清楚地记得这件事,因为我的记者生涯就始于报道波罗的海革命,而革命过程的平淡无奇让我很郁闷)。
But the upheavals can escalate quickly and become scarier and even cataclysmic. 但是这些骚乱能快速升级,变得非常可怕,甚至变成大灾难。
These quakes could destroy Los Angeles, as shown in the movie, and Yellowstone could erupt again with cataclysmic force sooner or later. 这些地震可能像电影《2012》中演的那样摧毁洛杉矶。黄石国家公园里的火山可能迟早会以灾难性的自然威力再次喷发。
Iceland increased its benchmark interest rate for the first time since its cataclysmic bank crash of2008. 在2008年银行崩盘的剧变后,冰岛首次上调基准利率。
Great changes in the way that the economy was regulated and managed were often provoked by cataclysmic upheaval. 灾难性的动荡往往导致经济监管和管理的方式发生重大变化。
These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine. 这些国家处于灾难性的饥荒边缘。
It all happened with the speed of lightning and with cataclysmic violence. 这都是闪电那样快,排山倒海那样猛!
There are shortly to be cataclysmic renditions from the political, financial and general economic spheres not to mention the earth changes that will complement them all. 很快,在政治,金融,以及一般经济领域会发生激变性的表演,此外地球的变化也包括在内。
One key to their work is a new way of calculating how much mass the Sun loses during its cataclysmic expansion, and, thus, how big it gets and how far the Earth eventually moves outward. 他们研究的一个关键在于采用了一个新的计算方法来计算太阳在巨大的膨胀过程中散失的质量是多少,它能够膨胀多大以及地球最终能够向外移动多远。
Looking at the positive side, the cataclysmic experiences of economic isolationism of the1930s have cautioned most government not to risk a sequel. 从积极的方面看,二十世纪三十年代经济孤立主义的灾难性经验为很多政府敲响了警钟:切莫旧幕重演。
Essentially, The Devil's Casino dates Lehman's ultimate demise back to that cataclysmic power struggle. 本质上,《魔鬼的赌场》将雷曼的最终灭亡追根溯源到了那场灾难性的权力争斗。
It ends up being a big cataclysmic crash at the end of the book, so this is why I call this a spiral of cycles that are going on in the Book of Revelation. 书的结尾以一场大灾难告终,这就是为何我将《启示录》里发生的一切,称为螺旋循环。
If you ever wondered why the Egyptians and Mayans labored for generations to build pyramids, wouldn't warning future generations of a planetary cataclysmic event be such a reason? 如果您想知道为什么埃及人和玛雅人的工人为后代建立金字塔,不会警告后代行星灾难性的事件是这样的原因是什么?
With cataclysmic force, he burst through the ceiling of the elemental plane and brought destruction to Azeroth. 他用他那能引发大地灾难的力量炸开了元素位面的顶层并把一场大毁灭带给了艾泽拉斯。
Based on his research and the deciphering of mathematical codes left by ancient scholars, a cataclysmic event will soon overwhelm the planet. 根据他的研究和破译代码的数学留下的古代文人,一个灾难性的事件将很快超过地球。
As not so calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun. 这一灾难还不像行星与隐蔽的恒星相撞时所发生的毁灭性剧变那样大。
This year was somehow different than previous and was filled with landmark achievements events and cataclysmic episodes that to this day define who we are as a world. 这一年与先前相比有更多不同,并且充满了可称之为里程碑式的事件和激烈变化的阶段,是那些,让今天的我们决定在世界上如何作为。
Were it not for the cataclysmic events which overtook them. 若不是洪水使它们绝迹。
It's not a story of 28-year-olds trying to save the world. It's a story of managing in times of cataclysmic change. It's about what our students do and need to say when they get into these organisations. 这不是关于28岁的年轻人如何试图拯救世界的故事,而是在大变革时期如何管理的故事,是关于我们的学生进入这些机构后能做些什么、需要说些什么。
The Mass and Angular Momentum Loss from the Edge of the Accretion disc and the Evolution of Cataclysmic Binaries 吸积盘边缘的质量和角动量损失与激变双星的演化
Some of the worlds cataclysmic disasters are associated with climate change, such as floods and massive landslides. 世界上一些大的自然灾害都与气候变化有关,比如洪水和大面积山体滑坡。
Constant volcanic and earthquake action occurs here, sometimes with cataclysmic results. 这地区频繁的火山活动及地震时而造成惨烈的后果。
We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 10,000 years ago. 我们发现了10000年前,灾难性的气候迁移的证据。
You missed it entirely. A "post cataclysmic" world can be a higher density world where you would receive the nutrients that your body would thrive on. 你完全弄错了。大洪水后的世界是个高密度世界,你从中可以得到使身体变得强壮的营养物质。