A Web service model for each port type of a particular WSDL can be extracted and cataloged. 可以提取和编录特定WSDL或BPEL文档(可以有许多WSDL定义)的每个端口类型的Web服务模型。
You can issue LIST DB DIRECTORY and LIST NODE DIRECTORY commands in DB2 LUW to enquire about cataloged databases and nodes respectively. 在DB2LUW中,您可以发出LISTDBDIRECTORY和LISTNODEDIRECTORY命令来分别查询已编写目录的数据库和节点。
With so much unique information contained in the blogosphere, one is tempted to ask: Where is this information is cataloged, tracked, tagged, and available for search? 由于博客圈包含了大量各不相同的信息,有人不禁会问:这些信息在什么地方进行分类、跟踪和标记以供搜索呢?
An index requires a source ( that is, a set of rows) and defines how the data extracted from the source should be cataloged. index将要求获得数据源(即一组数据行)并定义应当如何为已从数据源中提取出来的数据编目。
Term searches use standard-language words, usually in combination, to locate and rank cataloged information. 词汇搜索使用标准语言的单词(通常是多个单词的组合)来定位分类信息并对它们排名。
For this to work, the remote database has to be cataloged in the system database directory of the local DB2 instance. 为此,要在本地DB2实例的系统数据库目录中对远程数据库进行编目。
Finally, and just as in non-z/ OS targets, the DB2 server must be cataloged on the machine from which MTK is run. 最后,与在非z/OS目标中一样,还必须在运行MTK的机器上编目DB2服务器。
To access a remote DB2 LUW server, you should catalog the node by specifying DB2 instance and then catalog the target database under that instance at this cataloged node. 要访问远程DB2LUW服务器,则应当通过指定DB2实例为节点编写目录,然后在已编写目录的节点上为该实例下的目标数据库编写目录。
The source database must be cataloged if it does not reside in the same instance as the target database. 如果源数据库和目标数据库不在同一个实例中,那么必须对源数据库进行编目。
Database explorer: This pane presents all the database connections you have setup, either through Rational Data Architect, or outside it ( in other words, a cataloged DB2 database). 数据库浏览器:该面板显示在RationalDataArchitect之内或之外设置的所有数据库连接(即编目的DB2数据库)。
This model allows organizations to control the visibility and use of cataloged items. 此模型允许组织控制目录中所含内容的可视性和用途。
If this is not the case, you could have alternately first cataloged your remote database using either the catalog command on the command line processor or using the DB2 Configuration Assistant. 如果情况不是如此,则需要在命令行处理器上使用编目命令或者使用DB2ConfigurationAssistant首先编目远程数据库。
Note: To connect to a DB2 database, the database must be cataloged in a DB2 client. 注:要连接到DB2数据库,则必须在DB2客户机内对该数据库编目。
Once the stored procedure is cataloged, the first thing you will want to do is invoke it to make sure it works as expected and designed. 一旦对存储过程进行了注册,首先要做的是调用它,确保它按照预期和设计进行工作。
If you have explicitly cataloged an alias name after database creation, use the alias name. 如果在创建数据库后,您已显式编录了别名,请使用别名。
Connect to the database to ensure that the connection was properly cataloged 连接该数据库,以确保该连接已正确编目
A directory cannot be traversed ( entered and cataloged) unless this bit is set. 除非设置了该位,否则无法遍历目录(进入目录并列举目录)。
It provides a highly cataloged search engine, chat, instant messaging, e-mail, free space for personal Web sites, and an extensive shopping system. 提供高效的分类搜索引擎,聊天,及时通讯,电邮,个人主页免费空间以及庞大的购物系统。
They're photographed and cataloged, creating an electronic database of packaging technologies and ideas. 他们拍照和编目,建立一个电子数据库的包装技术和想法。
Designate the valve size and the complete catalog number, including prefix and suffix letters, when applicable, to identify regular cataloged items as described on the following pages. 在订购时,请指定阀门通径和完整的产品规格型号,包括前缀和后缀,有关规格型号的含义请参阅下列网页中描述的常规项目及其说明。
Please note that only cataloged files but NOT all archive of the library is listed on this section and it's search engine. 请注意,目前只有目录档案,但不是所有的档案图书馆,是上市这一节和它的搜索引擎。
Once the threats are cataloged they can be assessed and classified according to probability of occurrence and potential impact. 一旦完成了威胁的编目,我们就可对它们进行评估并根据其发生的可能性和潜在的影响进行分类。
In VSE, a group of source statements written in any of the languages supported by VSE and cataloged in one of the system sublibraries. 在操作系统VSE中,用该操作系统支持的任何一种语言编写的,且已在系统子程序库中编目的一组源语句。
Features of each image, such as hair and eye color, would be automatically indexed and cataloged. 每个图像的特征,比如头发和眼睛的颜色,会自动进行索引和分类。
Judging by past experience, a few more pieces of debris will be cataloged in the days to come. 从以往经验看,一些更多的碎片将在今后几天内被发现。
In library computer cataloging, some records are not cataloged according rules and standards in the content analysis and the description of added title entries. 图书馆在用电子计算机编目时,存在着内容分析及题名附加没有按照规定要求描述的问题。
Collision Probability Analysis and Application of Cataloged Space Debris 空间碎片预警中的碰撞概率方法研究
Secondly, this paper focuses on the discussion and analysis of cataloged knowledge and the figure of association rules, gives the definition and description to lay the theoretical foundation for further searching for this kind of knowledge. 论文着重讨论和分析了师资人才数据库中分类知识和关联规则的特点,给出了形式化定义和描述,为进一步挖掘这类知识提供了理论基础。
For data maintenance, measure types and units are cataloged and managed to realize standard description of material properties. 在数据维护方面,对物资的计量类型和计量单位做了科学的划分和管理,实现了物资属性的规范描述;
In the study of cataloged knowledge, the method of decision tree building has been designed, and the interpretation and assessment of rules and the expression of knowledge have been realized. 通过分类知识的挖掘研究,设计了决策树的创建方法、规则解释评估及知识表示;