The caterpillars feed in large colonies. 毛毛虫总是成群进食。
After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding 几天后毛虫停止进食。
The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants 毛虫以各类树木、灌木和植物为食。
The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature. 毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。
Caterpillars turned into butterflies. 毛虫会变成蝴蝶。
What lovely caterpillars are over there! 看那边的毛毛虫多可爱啊!
Well, caterpillars don't have to imagine-they take such drastic steps every day. 毛毛虫可就不用费尽脑汁来想像了它们每天都是迈着这么激烈的步伐前进的!
In case you are wondering, caterpillars taste like the green leaves they eat, and ants taste of lemon. 假如你对它们的味道感到好奇,我会告诉你,毛虫的味道就像它们所吃的树叶,而蚂蚁的味道像柠檬。
But caterpillars that hatch on GM crops die, reducing the overall population of the pests in the area. 但是在转基因玉米上孵化的幼虫会死亡,这就减少了该区域害虫的总数量。
Caterpillars really freak me out, especially they have fuzzes. 我真的很讨厌毛毛虫,尤其是有毛的那种。
As the caterpillars feed on crops, their waste pollutes waterways and drinking wells. 当毛虫啃噬庄稼时,它们的排泄物就污染了(灌溉)水道和饮用水井。
The chicks/ caterpillars/ grubs have hatched (` out). 小鸡[毛虫/小蛆]孵出来了。
Since his sister to become a butterfly caterpillars, the sky will protect her ah. 因为他的妹妹会变成蝶幼虫,天空将会保护她啊。
The CIA also approved exploiting one detainee's fear of insects by putting caterpillars in the box with him. CIA还被授权对被拘留者采用昆虫恐惧症,让他和毛毛虫呆在一个盒子里;
And we saw venomous caterpillars. 而我们看见了有毒的毛毛虫。
Caterpillars change into butterflies or moths. 毛虫能变成蝴蝶或蛾子。
Bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; important in control of noxious insects. 有刚毛的苍蝇,其幼虫寄生在毛虫或其它昆虫的身上;在控制有害昆虫方面很重要。
Some caterpillars grow into butterflies. 有些毛毛虫生长成为蝴蝶。
They said pregnant horses may have gotten the cyanide by eating the leaves from the cherry trees or the caterpillars. 他们说怀孕的马匹有可能食用了樱桃树叶或毛虫而获得了氰化物。
Daniel: Hurry up! Hurry up! What lovely caterpillars are over there! 丹尼尔:快点!快点!看那边的毛毛虫多可爱啊!
They exposed a population of hosts ( caterpillars) to both variants. 他们将一群宿主(毛毛虫)同时暴露于两个病毒变种。
If colored caterpillars could change their colors could they keep their colored coat colored properly? 如果有色毛毛虫可以变颜色,它们能够保持皮毛的颜色适宜吗?
In the real world, some caterpillars and plants engage in a deadly struggle for survival. 在现实中,毛毛虫和植物为求生存而殊死搏斗,而全面战争肯定少不了化学武器。
Silk moths lay several hundred eggs, and the tiny caterpillars that emerge eat nothing but mulberry leaves. 蚕蛾可以产下好几百个卵,然后孵出蚕宝宝,他们只吃桑叶。
D: Do you happen to keep caterpillars, perhaps the hook-tip moth? 该不会你正好养了毛虫,或是钩翅蛾吧?
Medium-sized hairy moths; larvae are lappet caterpillars. 中等体型有毛的蛾子;幼虫为垂片毛虫。
The Saturday Caterpillars have now finished the Bear books and are beginning to read other picture books. 周六的毛毛虫班已完成了比尔熊系列书,准备开始读其他的绘本了。
Any of various moth caterpillars that destroy cotton bolls. 多种蛾子的毛虫,破坏棉荚。
Moth whose larvae are tent caterpillars. 其幼虫为帐篷毛虫的蛾子。
Infestations of these caterpillars may defoliate oaks and other hardwood trees but usually do no permanent damage. 这些毛虫的侵扰可能使橡树落叶和其他树木的硬木树但通常都没有永久性损伤。