The cathodoluminescence images provide information on genesis and evolution histories of the host rocks. 阴极发光图像可以提供锆石成因类型及相应岩体经历的演化历史等信息。
The key to improve the efficiency of SSCL ( solid state cathodoluminescence) is to improve the injection and acceleration of electrons in the accelerating layer. 这种复合加速层结构,尤其在高场下,对提高固态阴极射线的初电子源,从而提高其发光效率具有促进作用。
The darker area was chosen for single genesis and low U content zircon with young age from cathodoluminescence images in order to obtain smaller error and higher precision dating data. 在测定具有单一成因、铀含量很低的年轻锆石时,选择在阴极发光较暗的位置进行测试,有利于得到误差小、精度更高的数据年龄。
Probing Surface and Stress Effect on Optical Properties of an Individual ZnO Nanowire via Cathodoluminescence 单根氧化锌纳米线表面与应力效应的阴极荧光谱研究阴极射线致发光荧光粉
The optical property of these sectors was studied by cathodoluminescence ( CL). 通过阴极发光法(CL)可以研究这些区域的光学性能。
There is an evidently corresponding relationship between the distributing feature of mineral inclusions and the cathodoluminescence image of zircon. 锆石中的矿物包体分布特征与相应的阴极发光图像存在十分完好的对应关系。
The poly crystalline structure have also been observed by SEM cathodoluminescence image. 用阴极荧光形貌观测了其多晶结构。
Application of Cathodoluminescence to Metamorphic and Granitic Rocks 阴极发光仪在变质岩和花岗岩类岩石中的应用
The cathodoluminescence technique and its geological application 扫描电镜中的阴极发光技术及其在地学中的应用
Application of cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy to the evaluation of gold deposit 阴极发光光谱在金矿床评价中的应用
The possible physical mechanism of cathodoluminescence in anorthite is also discussed in the present paper. 本文对引起阴极发光的物理机制也进行了讨论。
Cathodoluminescence spectra of a suit of natural fluorites from several main fluorite deposits of China were measured. 本文报导产自我国几个主要萤石矿床中若干萤石样品的阴极射线发光谱。
Comparision of the electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectra for two type diodes. 比较两类二极管(E和C)的电致发光和阴极射线发光光谱。
The Th/ U values and cathodoluminescence of zircons indicate that most zircons were derived from the magmatite provenance. 明显的轻、重元素分馏和铕异常则表明碎屑岩源区地壳内有较的深熔作用。锆石Th/U比和阴极发光表明它们基本上来自岩浆岩物源区。
Based on the analyses of SEM image and cathodoluminescence spectra measured around V-defects, the correlation between V-defect formation and indium segregation was clarified. 根据V-形缺陷周围扫描电镜图像和阴极荧光光谱的分析,确定AlInGaN外延层中V-形缺陷的形成与铟的分凝之间的关系。
Cathodoluminescence with scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe is applied to the study of some plagioclases in CAIs of the Allende chondrite. 对Allende陨石的富钙铝包裹体中的斜长石,用电子探针和扫描电镜进行阴极发光的研究。
Cathodoluminescence ( CL) is an important experimental method for analysing the structure, density of states and defects of crystals. 阴极射线发光分析方法是研究材料的结构和能态的重要手段。
The low temperature cathodoluminescence and EBIC of semiconductors have been carried out with this sample stage. 已成功地用于半导体的低温阴极荧光与束感生电流的测量。
The crystalline quality, defects, and structure of these crystals have been investigated by using Raman scattering and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. 用喇曼散射和阴极荧光谱研究了AlN晶体的结晶质量、缺陷和结构特性。
Application of cathodoluminescence to Paleontology and stratigraphy 阴极发光在古生物地层工作中的应用
The 390 nm UV emission peak of the ZnO films present in the cathodoluminescence spectra. 阴极射线荧光的测量显示了位于390nm的紫外特征峰。
Zircons from ultra-high pressure ( UHP) metamorphic metabasite and metafelsic rock in Dabie orogen were investigated by cathodoluminescence and Laser Raman spectrometry. 利用阴极发光和激光拉曼研究了大别山俯冲带超高压基性和长英质变质岩中的锆石。
Study of defects in YAG: Nd~ ( 3+) crystals by means of cathodoluminescence micrography 用阴极发光显微术研究YAG:Nd~(3+)晶体中的缺陷
The formation of the white ribbon and the colouration mechanism of the pink part are studied by using the polarizing microscope, electron microprobe, Raman spectrometer, infrared spectrometry and cathodoluminescence, etc. 采用偏光显微镜、电子探针、拉曼光谱、红外光谱、阴极发光等测试技术,对其白色条带的形成以及粉红色部分的致色成因进行了较全面的宝石学特征分析与研究。
Cathodoluminescence analysis and its applications in new materials 阴极射线发光分析方法及其在新材料研究中的应用
Application of cathodoluminescence and FTIR analysis in diamond studies 阴极发光和红外光谱技术在金刚石研究中的应用
The morphological features, the inclusion features, the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum, infrared spectrum and the cathodoluminescence features of the flux-grown synthetic spinel provide reliable evidence for identification. 助熔剂法合成尖晶石的晶体形貌特征和包裹体特征以及紫外-可见吸收光谱、红外光谱和阴极发光特征为其鉴定提供了可靠的依据。
We find out the applicable condition of molecular theory and band model for electroluminescence from solid state cathodoluminescence. 在固态阴极射线发光中找到了场致发光中分子理论与能带理论适用的条件,它们的分水岭是激子的场离化。