However, you should have no trouble getting it to run in another CDI-enabled application server. 尽管如此,将其运用到其他启用CDI的应用程序服务器应该也没有问题。
After creating the CDI event, the EventManager notifies all interested listeners that a state change has occurred. 创建CDI事件后,EventManager告诉所有相关的侦听器状态发生了改变。
Java Specification Request ( JSR) 299, or Java CDI, is a Java standard for dependency injection and contextual lifecycle management. JavaSpecificationRequest(JSR)299,或者说JavaCDI,是依赖注入和上下文生命周期管理的Java标准。
This may look like a straightforward distinction, but many of the classes I'll present straddle both the CDI and MI, and sometimes it's hard to see where one interface ends and the next begins. 这似乎是一个简单的区别,但我将展示的许多类在CDI和MI中均有涉及,有时很难界定一个接口的结束和下一个接口的开始。
Two objects are particularly important: the Target, which manages the CDI model and sends commands to the debugger, and the EventManager, which listens for MIEvents created by the debugger. 有两个对象尤其重要:Target(管理CDI模型并向调试器发送命令)和EventManager(侦听由调试器创建的MIEvent)。
The ZK CDI extension has features that let you use CDI within the ZK programming model. ZKCDI扩展具有特性,可让您使用ZK编程模型中的CDI。
It lets enterprise developers integrate CDI-driven applications, with a compressive and powerful Ajax front end supplied by ZK. 它让企业开发人员可用一个ZK提供的压缩的功能强大的Ajax前端与CDI驱动的应用程序集成。
It is annotated with the@ New qualifier because, per the CDI specification, a new instance of the Customer bean is auto injected in the parameter each time this method is observed. 该参数使用@New限定符注释,原因是,根据CDI规范,Customerbean的一个新实例在该方法每次被发现时都将自动注入到该参数中。
The following simple example shows how to access a CDI managed bean from a ZUL file. 下面的这个简单例子演示了如何从ZUL文件访问托管CDIbean。
This section explores more CDI features by implementing a real-life application. 这一章通过实现实际应用程序来探索更多CDI特性。
Essentially, any third-party framework used in the Java EE Web tier can leverage CDI services using a CDI portable extensions mechanism. 从本质上讲,任何在JavaEEWeb层中使用的第三方框架都可通过便携式扩展机制利用CDI服务。
The ZK CDI extension integrates the ZK programming model with CDI, allowing seamless development of Java EE6 enterprise applications. ZKCDI集成了ZK编程模型和CDI,允许JavaEE6企业应用程序的无缝开发。
Also, per the ZK CDI extension specification, the ComponentId qualifier member value must match the field name. 还有,对于ZKCDI扩展规范,ComponentId限定符成员值必须匹配字段名。
Using ZK and CDI, you'll extend the detailed, real-life example application for customer management. 使用ZK和CDI,您将扩展这个详细的实际客户管理应用程序。
In CDI context, a managed bean, or a simple bean, is a Java EE component that can be injected into other components, associated with a context, or reached through EL expressions. 在CDI上下文中,托管bean,或简单bean,是JavaEE组件,它可以根据上下文,或通过EL表达式注入其他组件中。
But the CDI model and the Eclipse debug model can't talk directly to one another. 但CDI模型与Eclipse调试模型之间不能直接对话。
In addition to built-in CDI features, ZK CDI extensions provide the following features to make development easy. 除了内置CDI特性,ZKCDI扩展提供以下一些特性让开发更轻松。
CDI has long been a major innovator and leader in electronic torque measurement and torque calibration equipment. 长期来,CDI是电子扭力装置和电子扭力校验设备的主要创新者和领导者。
CDI unifies and simplifies the EJB and JSF programming models. CDI统一并简化了EJB与JSF的编程模型。
This is perhaps the most exciting feature of CDI. 这也许是CDI最令人激动的特性了。
Through its services, CDI brings transactional support to the web tier which makes it easier to access transactional resources in web applications. CDI为Web层带来了事务支持,这样我们就能在Web应用中轻松访问事务性资源了。
There was a40% improvement in runtime performance, and we saw that Weld performs as well as, or better than other CDI implementations available, as well as other solutions in the DI space. 运行期性能的改进提升了40%,我们欣喜地看到Weld与其他CDI实现和DI领域的其他解决方案相比,要么不分伯仲,要么更高一筹。
At the end of each of the three study years, we performed quantitative evaluations of intervention coverage and provider costs, as well as qualitative assessments of the CDI process. 在为期三年研究中,我们在每年末都开展了干预措施覆盖范围和供应商成本的定量评估,还针对CDI过程开展定性评估。
The advent of CDI and JSF2 represents a new direction for Seam. CDI和JSF2的出现预示了Seam的新方向。
CDI now uses the annotations defined by JSR-330 to declare injection points. CDI现在使用JSR-330所定义的注解来声明注入点。
And, since some CDI implementations also run in a plain servlet container like Tomcat, CDI can also serve as a foundation for integrating technologies into these environments. 同时,由于某些CDI实现还运行在普通的Servlet容器如Tomcat中,因此CDI还可以作为将技术集成到这些环境中的基础。
Ballou said that's true at CDI's customers as well. 巴卢说,公司客户的情况也是如此。
These features are not included in standard EJB or CDI implementations. 这些特性并没有包含在标准的EJB或者CDI实现中。
In JPA and CDI cases, JBoss brought its experience from existing and successfully adopted API's into JSRs. 在JPA和CDI的例子里,JBoss在它现有经验之上成功的把API整合进了JSR。