Using the CDR command line interface, set the replication table to alter mode. 使用CDR命令行界面,将复制表设为alter模式。
The profile data displayed for each server is the same information you would be by issuing a cdr view profile command from the command line. 针对每个服务器显示的配置数据与在命令行执行cdrviewprofile命令得到的信息相同。
The OAT ER plug-in already contains all the useful cdr commands. OATER插件已经包含了所有有用的CDR命令。
Now that you have defined a grid with Grid_World, cdr list grid returns ER nodes in the grid. 现在您已经定义了一个网格GridWorld,cdrlistgrid将返回网格中的ER节点。
After you click Next, the screen displays the corresponding SQL and CDR commands to define and enable grid for users authorized to perform grid operations. 单击Next,屏幕显示对应的SQL和CDR命令,用于对被授权执行网格操作的用户定义和启用网格。
Now you'll create a more generalized concatenation function using the two functions Lisp is famous for: car and cdr. 现在您将使用两个著名的Lispcar和cdr函数创建更通用化的concatenation函数。
Remaster a replicate definition using the cdr remaster command. 使用cdrremaster命令remaster一个复制定义。
You can selectively suppress any DataSync warning or error message that the ATS or RIS files contain with the CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN configuration parameter. 使用CDRSUPPRESSATSRISWARN配置参数可以有选择地减少ATS或RIS文件中包含的DataSync警告和错误消息。
Run cdr start to start ER. 运行cdrstart启动ER。
Cdr change config: to change an existing value cdrchangeconfig:更改一个已有的值
The following example output from cdr list repl shows the format of a shadow replicate name generated by automatic remastering 下面来自cdrlistrepl的例子输出显示了由自动remastering生成的影子复制名的格式
The cdr remaster command accepts only one SELECT statement. cdrremaster命令只接受一个SELECT语句。
Obtaining the second element requires calling the cdr on the list, then the car on the new list. 获得第二个元素要求对列表调用cdr,然后对新列表调用car。
To retrieve the next node of a list, you need to use the function cdr. 为了获得列表的下一个节点,您需要使用cdr函数。
To set or unset the alter mode on a table, use the CDR command-line interface. 要设置或取消表的alter模式,可以使用CDR命令行界面。
After you have completed the database backup, run cdr stop on the server to stop the replication on the server. 完成数据库备份后,在服务器上运行cdrstop停止服务器上的复制。
For HDR to provide secured transmission of data, this feature provides a new configuration parameter ENCRYPT_CDR that enables encryption and specifies encryption options. 为了使HDR提供安全的数据传输,该特性提供了新的配置参数ENCRYPTCDR,该参数可以启用加密并指定加密选项。
Adding the following code to the previous program will show how car and cdr can be used 将下面的代码添加到先前的程序中,从而展示如何使用car和cdr
Using the cdr swap command, swap the newly-created shadow replicate definition and the original master replicate definition. 使用cdrswap命令,交换新创建的影子复制定义和初始主复制定义。
Create a grid named Grid_World to include all the ER nodes: cdr define grid Grid_World-a. 创建一个名为GridWorld的网格来包含所有ER节点:cdrdefinegridGridWorld-a。
The processing of these lists using recursion and Lisp functions like car and cdr is the power of list processing using Lisp. 使用递归和诸如car和cdr之类的Lisp函数处理这些列表是使用Lisp处理列表的强大之处。
Now a window pops up, displaying the corresponding SQL and CDR commands to complete the operation. 现在弹出一个窗口,其中显示了用来完成操作的对应SQL和CDR命令。
Use the cdr alter& on command to place the replicated table in alter mode. 使用cdralter&on命令使复制表处于alter模式。
Research of CDR Synthesis Program on Iu-PS Interface in TD-SCDMA Network TD-SCDMA网络Iu-PS口CDR合成方案研究
The Research of CDR Synthesis Technology in NGN Signaling Monitor System NGN信令监测系统中CDR合成技术的研究
Simulation results show that the proposed CDR system meets the design requirements. 最后的仿真和分析结果表明,本系统的技术指标完全符合设计的要求。
A CDR is generated for every voice or SMS connection. CDR是语音或短信通讯而生成的。
And no, I don't know why DSN designed such an inflexible CDR system. 不,我不知道为什么这样设计的DSN僵硬的CDR制度。
We estimated the smear-positive tuberculosis CDR in HIV-negative and HIV-positive adults, and in all adults in Kenya. 我们估算了肯尼亚艾滋病毒阴性成年人和艾滋病毒阳性成年人以及所有成年人的痰涂片阳性肺结核检出率。
Another use is when burning CDs: you first create a hard disk image of whatever you want to copy ( files or raw audio data) and then you copy this image to the CDR. 另一个用法应试是在烧录CD时:你首先创建一个你要拷贝的(文件或未加式的音频数据)的硬盘映像,然后将该映像拷到CDR上。