VERB 割让(领土);放弃(权力) If someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure.
Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America... 在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。
The General had promised to cede power by January. 将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。
By ceding 6% of their company, startups get an investor, credibility in the startup community, and communion with other founders who are going through the same masochistic slog as they are. 通过出让公司6%的股份,初创公司获得了一位投资人,在初创公司群体中较高的可信度以及与其他艰难前行的创业者交流的机会。
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused the Pakistani government of ceding more and more territory to the Taliban. 星期三,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿指责巴基斯坦政府把越来越多的领土割让给塔利班。
I had prided myself on being quite the enlightened husband for ceding control of our day-to-day finances. 放弃对日常开销的控制权是一个明智的决定,对此我颇为自得。
As a Java developer, I've gotten quite used to ceding all memory issues to the language. 作为Java开发人员,我已经习惯于让语言来解决所有的内存问题。
Ceding your control over low-level details is a general trend in software development. 回避对底层细节的控制是软件开发的普遍趋势。
The cloud environment is much different from a traditional data center, because you're ceding control of many functions. 云环境和传统的数据中心是很不同的,因为您放弃了对许多功能的控制。
Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible. 函数编程代表了下一个抽象阶段:将更加琐碎的细节如遍历、并发性和状态尽可能留给运行时处理。
While China may be ceding ground to Mexico in auto manufacturing for now, the race is far from over. 尽管眼下中国可能正在汽车制造业向墨西哥割让领地,但这场角逐还远没有结束。
Similar good fortune happened 400 years later during the battle of Waterloo, another heroic victory for Britain ( in fact mainly for Prussia, but see above about ceding credit). 同样的好运也发生在400年后的滑铁卢战役中,这是英国(实际上主要是普鲁士,但理由同上)取得的又一次英勇胜利。
Fortune: In closing stores in many smaller markets, do you not risk ceding the opportunity in such locations to rivals like Michael Kors, which is expanding? 《财富》:在许多规模较小的市场关闭门店,你们会不会因此把当地的机会拱手让给迈克尔高司这类正在扩大门店网络规模的竞争对手?
Meanwhile, banks worry about ceding profitable trades or loans to rivals in the so-called shadow banking sector that have fewer regulatory constraints. 与此同时,银行担心将有利可图的交易或贷款拱手让给所谓的影子银行业竞争对手,后者所受的监管限制较少。
Some politicians, including the head of the congressional committee that oversees the SEC, worry about ceding standard-setting power to the IASB. 包括监管SEC的国会委员会会长在内的一些政客担心这会使制定标准的权力落入国际会计准则委员会手中。
It would be a shame to head down the UK's road by ceding global leadership to generate short-term cost savings. 遗憾的是它正在沿着英国的道路前行,为了谋求短期的节省成本而放弃世界的领导权。
Such is true for many Chinese manufacturers, who are ceding low-cost competitiveness to other developing countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh. 对于中国制造业来说,这是无疑的。中国制造商正在丧失与越南和孟加拉国等发展中国家相比低成本竞争的优势。
On the one hand, it wants them to succeed, but not at the expense of ceding influence in North Korea to the US. 一方面,中国希望六方会谈能够成功,但又不愿将其对朝鲜的影响力拱手让给美国。
LEGO said that it was leaving its Legoland theme parks business to concentrate on construction toys, ceding its theme parks to investors intending to create a giant family entertainment group. 乐高公司表示,该公司将放手乐高主题乐园事业,以便专心制造玩具,乐高主题乐园将让渡给有意创造一个庞大家庭娱乐集团的投资人。
The old powers have been swept aside and it will be many decades before China comes close to ceding its position as the biggest spender on construction, whether on residential, commercial or infrastructure projects, Mr Robinson added. 昔日的列强已被排挤到一边,要再过好几十年,中国才有可能失去建筑业最大支出者的地位,无论是就住宅、商业,还是就基础设施项目而言,罗宾逊表示。
America is unilaterally ceding its global leadership in education, science and infrastructure. 美国正在单方面失去在教育、科技和基础设施方面的全球领先地位。
He was ceding line but more slowly all the time. 他正在放出钓索,然而越来越慢了。
Settlement would require ceding some Egyptian territory. 解决办法将要求埃及让出一些领土。
There is also ideological opposition to ceding more state control of finance. 同时,在政府让出更多金融控制权方面,也存在出于意识形态原因的反对意见。
In the ensuing year, as a result of defeat the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan to Japan. 翌年,清政府战败,在日本威迫下签订了《马关条约》,割让台湾。
If the latter, they risk ceding valuable turf to competitors. 如果选择后者,就可能把有价值的地盘拱手让给对手。
But for now it is ceding more sophisticated engineering to Volvo's Swedish operations, an aspect of the plan that could help allay fears of lost jobs in Sweden. 不过,目前公司同意将把生产高端发动机的工作留在瑞典,以此缓和瑞典方面对工作流失的担忧。
It's ceding precious ground, says Mike Dunne, a car analyst who focuses on Asian markets. 聚焦亚洲市场的汽车业分析师迈克邓恩(MikeDunne)表示:它在放弃宝贵的地盘。
There is no avoiding war, one merely postpones it, and in most cases to his own disadvantage, in ceding this part and that bit to exchange for another party's tolerance or support. 战争是无可避免的,通过割让这个那个来交换另一方的容忍或支持,一方只是在拖延战争,而大多数情况下是朝对己方不利的方向。
The agreement comes after some Xstrata shareholders called for a larger premium to compensate for ceding control of their company. 合并协议达成之前,一些斯特拉塔股东要求为自己放弃对公司的控制权得到更高的溢价作为补偿。
UNDER intense international pressure to lift banking secrecy, the first and biggest of the world's "tax havens" places that charge low or no taxes to foreigners is ceding some ground. 面对提高银行保密的国际重压之下,世界上第一个也是最大一个“避税天堂”被迫妥协,“避税天堂”是指对外国人征收较低的税或者不征税的地区。
A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty. 这些岛屿被旧有的主人割让给这个大陆国家。
But more fundamentally, its supporters cannot stand ceding power to people they regard as ignorant peasants, fit to clean their apartments and drive their taxis, but not to help shape their political landscape. 但更根本的原因,是其支持者无法忍受将权力拱手让给他们眼中无知的乡下人&他们认为这些人只配给他们做保洁工作,为他们开出租车,却不配帮助塑造他们的政治前景。