Later this week, you may get a chance to find out what all these celebs are fussing about. 本周晚些时候,你自己也有机会亲自体验这些名人所关注的产品。
The Red Cross appeared to be the charity of choice among celebs, who encouraged their fan bases to make donations via text message. 明星更倾向于为红十字会筹集善款,鼓励粉丝通过发短信捐款。
'It's public-relations people who represent Otto's clients, who are designers, with the purpose of getting celebs to wear the clothes. 代表奥托客户,也就是那些设计师的是公关人员,他们的工作就是让明星们穿上设计师的服装。
Yeah, nothing lasts forever, but I think their grounded relationship can be a model for other celebs that are eager to show off their one-minute romances. 没错,一切皆有尽头时,但是我认为,希亚和穆里根的这份有基础的感情是一个极好的典范,值得那些喜欢将三分钟热度的艳事拿来大肆炫耀的名人好好学学。
Top celebs, such as Beyonc é Knowles and socialite Paris Hilton, can get a front-row seat to any show they want. 像碧昂斯诺里斯和社交名媛帕里斯希尔顿这样的顶级名流都能得到任何他们想去的时装秀的头排宝座。
Celebs soon learn they can cash in on their wedding by signing contracts with magazines worth millions of dollars. 很快,名人们就知道如何利用婚礼来赚钱了&他们可以和杂志社签署价值数百万美元的合同。
What other child goes to A-list events, extravagant vacations that most adults dream of and hangs out with the hottest celebs in Hollywood? 有哪个孩子能去通常只有时尚圈顶级人物才能参加的活动?哪个孩子能享受不少达人都望尘莫及的奢华的假期?又有哪个孩子能跟好莱坞大牌一起出出进进?
No wonder celebs like Jane Seymour and Catherine Zeta-Jones love it so much! 怪不得像珍西摩尔和泽塔琼斯这样的名人这么热爱它!
Celebs like Fan Bing Bing and Chen Daoming have gotten in on the action, each buying a jet of their own. 像范冰冰和陈道明这样的名人已经采取了行动,他们每人都购置了飞机。
They needed more celebrities, and the children of existing celebs were a natural progression, especially when Shiloh, Suri, Kingston, and Violet were all born within a five-month span. 他们需要更多的名人,现有的名人子女遵循自然进程,尤其是当示希洛、苏瑞、金斯敦、维奥莱特都在相隔五个月内出生。
Catch the glimpse of some of the hot celebs making a fashion statement at recent public events. 渔获使最近举行的公众活动一时尚的热名人的一些成就。
What is still getting the top Sina execs scratching their heads is how they can turn the celebs 'blogs into some commercial profits. 新浪网感到最头疼的事情,就是它如何把名人博客转化为商业利益。
Unlike the celebs you see in the "Got Milk" ads, you will never look hip with white stuff spread across your upper lip. 喝牛奶时若上唇粘满白色玩意儿,你看上去永远也不会有“来杯牛奶”广告片里的名流气质。
Hollywood celebs are known for staying tan, be it through hours spent at the beach or courtesy of in-home Mystic Tan apparatuses. 好莱坞明星而晒黑而出名,无论是通过花时间在海滩或其他。
Although the celebs say they don't know who's behind the attacks on their characters, they are taking action. 虽然那些名人说不知道谁是破坏她们人格的幕后黑手,但是她们正在采取行动。
Rihanna and Victoria Beckham are some of the celebs who likes and made short hairstyles famous. 蕾哈娜和维多利亚贝克汉姆是一些谁喜欢的明星,并提出著名的短发型。
Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another'unemotional'type of greeting. 明星常做的飞吻手势也是一种“缺乏感情”的问候方式。
The designer says he is getting an increasing number of calls from celebs who want to be in his shows, but he uses caution. 这位时装设计师说有越来越多的名模打电话给他,想参加他的时装表演,但是他非常谨慎。
TV host Yang Lan is one of China's biggest celebs. 电视主持人杨澜是中国最大的名人之一。