"Half-human creatures, called chimeras, also abound in mythology& in addition to mermaids, there were wise centaurs, wild satyrs, and frightful minotaurs, to name but a few," it said. 声明称:像吐火兽这样的半人半兽生物在神话中也大量出现&除美人鱼外,还有睿智的人马、狂野的半羊人、恐怖的人身牛头怪物,诸如此类为数不少。
Perhaps you haven't seen any Centaurs yet? There were some in the battle yesterday. Most remarkable people, but I can't say I feel quite at home with them yet. 昨天的战斗中也有几个人头马,确是最最杰出的人物:但我跟它们在一起还不能感到十分自在。
It is the country of Aslan, the country of the waking trees and visible naiads, of fauns and satyrs, of dwarfs and giants, of the gods and the centaurs, of talking beasts. 在这个国家里,有神志清醒的大树,有机灵活泼的水中仙女,有羊怪,有森林之神、小矮人和巨人,有海狸和人头马,还有许多其他会讲话的动物。
Currently, the public is familiar with the main-belt asteroids and the near-Earth asteroids with strange orbits, including the Earth-approaching asteroids and the centaurs. 据了解,目前为公众熟悉的小行星有主带小行星,还有轨道比较奇怪的近地小行星和半人马小行星。
In the new world of ideas, the species of centaurs collaborates with the more modest species of metropolitan man. 在这个观念杂糅的新世界中,半人马和较之谦逊的世俗之人共同协作。
The holy centaurs of the hills are banished; 群山中神圣的人头马怪都已消失;
Prince Caspian: Two days ago I didn't believe in the existence of dwa or centaurs, but here you are and together we have a chance to take back what is ours! 凯斯宾王子:这要是两天之前,我根本就不相信有矮人或马人的存在,可是你们就在这里,而且我们一起创造了一个机会,去夺回属于我们的一切!