Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。
A more plausible view is that Mr Obama is, in fact, a foreign policy realist whose views are rather similar to those of Republican centrists such as Brent Scowcroft and Colin Powell. 另一种貌似更有道理的观点是,奥巴马在外交政策方面实际上是一个现实主义者,他的观点与布伦特斯考克罗夫特(BrentScowcroft)和科林鲍威尔(ColinPowell)等共和党中间派非常相似。
The town hall protesters, with their death panel hysterics and posters depicting Mr Obama with a Hitler moustache, may help push centrists back to the Obama camp. 市政厅抗议者的歇斯底里言论(死亡专家组)、以及他们所举的海报(画有蓄着希特勒式小胡子的奥巴马),可能有利于中间派回到奥巴马阵营。
CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. 中立派认为政府应该对个人和经济自由进行一定的控制。
Meanwhile, in Congress, the few remaining pragmatic Republican centrists, like Senator Richard Lugar, are being hunted down by tea-party activists. 与此同时,国会内硕果仅存的共和党中间派代表,如参议员理查德•卢格,早已被茶党激进分子的风头盖过。
This newspaper endorsed Mr Obama at last year's election ( see article) in part because he had surrounded himself with enough intelligent centrists. 本报曾在去年大选时,对总统奥巴马有过不同程度的报道。
Her strategy was not credible: having denounced the centrists before the first round, she then described an abrupt U-turn to court them during the second. 她的策略靠不住:第一轮选举前她公开指责中间派,而到第二轮,她却突然转弯180度去奉承他们。
Mr Obama has to persuade centrists the voters who elected him president to support health reform. 奥巴马必须说服中间派议员正是他们推选他当上了总统支持医改。
The aim would be, as in 1931, to split both the Liberals and labour by luring centrists into supporting emergency economic measures. 与1931年时一样,这种策略旨在通过引诱中间分子支持紧急经济举措,来分裂自由党和工党。
I use scare quotes around "centrist," by the way, because if the center means the position held by most Americans, the self-proclaimed centrists are in fact way out in right field. 我把「中间派」加上括号,主要是因为如果中间意味多数美国人的立场,以中间派自居的这些人事实上已严重右倾。
Beltway pundits believed Al Gore and George W.Bush were centrists who would govern similarly. 华府的专家学者认为,戈尔和小布什都是中间派,无论谁执政,出台的方针政策都会差不多。
A minority government of centrists and liberals. 由中间党派和自由党人士组成的少数党政府。