We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed. 我们非常肯定西西皮欧能够获释。
Consequently it is the certitude of the virtual identity between itself and the objective world. 所以理念深信它能实现这个客观世界和它自身之间的同一性。
He knew his friend had always plenty of money, and he knew also, with profound certitude, that his success would enable him to repay it. 他知道他的朋友一向有许多钱,也深信自己的成功能让他偿还这笔债。
Then the certitude of his ultimate success rose up in him, an able ally of hunger, and with a quick movement he slipped the coin into his pocket. 此时最后成功的把握在他心里升起,那是饥饿的有力的同盟军。他立即把那块金币塞进了口袋。
The fingers were curved like talons, but they closed on empty air. Swiftness and certitude require strength, and the man had not this strength. 他的手指弯曲得就像鹰爪一样,可是他却抓了一个空,敏捷和准确是需要力气的,而他偏偏就没有力气。
Opponents with humanity would rob "our boys" and the audience of moral certitude [ 2]. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。
Courage somes from the trust, and trust from the certitude, and certitude from effort, and effort from desire, and desire from purity of heart. 勇气来自于信任,信任来自于确信,确信来自于努力,努力来自于希望,希望来自于纯洁的心。
And the field of hacking, through losing its moral certitude, may have grown up a little. 因此,尽管道德标准较低,黑客的领域可能也会获得一些发展。
It is not clear why we enjoy certitude so much certitude being the subjective experience of feeling certain. 我们为什么这么喜欢确定性还不清楚确定性其实是“感到肯定”的一种主观体验。
So let me ask you: Have we gone from one false certitude to another? 所以,请允许我问你们一个问题:我们是不是从一种错误的确信走向了另一个错误的确信?
Doubt and certitude are subjective reactions to the evidence. 怀疑与确信都是对于证据的主观反映。
Politicians are creatures of certitude: they join a tribe of like-minded people, convinced that the tribe on the other side is wicked and stupid. 政治人物是一群信奉确定性的生物,他们会加入成员与其观点相同的政治群体,并且深信站在对立面的群体既邪恶又愚蠢。
A memorable example is the "conventional certitude", in which a spuriously precise number becomes the focus for all debate. 一个让人难忘的例子是“习惯性的确定性”,即一个准确性根本站不住脚的数字成为所有辩论的焦点。
And without such instinctive certitude we could not understand the manner in which men both cherish their life and expose it to all kinds of dangers. 没有这种本能的确信,我们就不能理解一个人既珍惜自己的生命,同时又经历于各种危险之中的做法。
The media love certitude, too. Newspaper editors hate headlines with "may" or "might" in them. 媒体也喜欢确定性,报纸编辑不喜欢新闻标题里出现“可能”和“或许”的字样。
We get into a contradiction between the society-order based on certitude and the uncertain society. 人们似乎陷入了不确定性的社会与以确定性为基础的社会秩序的矛盾之中。
The one certitude we can draw from events over the past year is our inability to predict what is to come, and how it may trigger other unexpected events. 过去一年的事态发展揭示了一个真理:我们无法预测未来之事,也无法预测由此触发的种种意外的连锁反应。
He felt a wild desire to run after them, a certitude that he could run them down. 他心里有一种发狂似的、想追赶它们的念头,而且相信自己一定能追上去捉住它们。
Security herein have two meanings: technical and legal. Electronic sending of commercial information and transferable document need authenticity, certitude, integrity. 安全可以包括技术安全和法律安全,商业信息和可转让的单证的电子传递需要充分保证其真实性、确定性、保密性和合法有效性。
This article gives a detailed description on the certitude, basis, theoretical guidance, teaching design and application of the integration of information technology and geography curriculum. 本篇论文对信息技术与课程整合的必然性、基础、理论指导、教学设计以及应用等作了较详细的阐述。
In fact, he mingles literary criticism, philosophy, phenomenology, structuralism and hermeneutics together, searching the long route of interpreting so as to reach the self at the hermeneutical level of certitude. 事实是,他将哲学、现象学、结构主义、文学批评和解释学杂合在了一起,寻求一种解释的长途以获得吻合解释学程度的确定性的自我。
Besides, technology, which is supposed to provide a scientific explanation for everything, becomes another source of certitude. 此外,应当为一切提供科学解释的科技也成为确定性的另一来源。