One crowd favorite generated from Watson's mind was a tasty version of fish and chips using ceviche and fried plantains. 其中一款由沃森创造出的受人追捧的菜肴是美味版本的炸鱼和炸薯条(fishandchips),它是用酸橘汁腌鱼和油炸芭蕉制成。
Breakfast in Peru& ceviche is popular whatever time of day, breakfast, lunch or dinner. 秘鲁早餐&无论什么时候,早餐,午餐或是晚餐,酸橘汁腌鱼总是很流行。
Or we'll chop you into ceviche! 小心我们把你剁成酱!
The ceviche there was some of the best I ever ate. 那里的酸橘汁腌鱼是我吃过最好吃的之一。