The syllable naming the third ( mediant) note of any major scale in solmization. The chaffinch has three or four songs and produces them in a specific order. 阶名唱法中大音阶中的第三个音节。苍头燕雀合唱三、四种歌,唱的时候按着一定的先后次序。
Thorpe also showed that the chaffinch is selective in what it will imitate. 索普还证明,苍头燕雀学歌是有所选择的。
Because I shared his fascination with the chaffinch song, he had invited me to join his research group. 因为我和他一样对苍头燕雀的歌声着了迷,他就邀请我加入他的研究小组。
The chaffinch has three or four songs and produces them in a specific order. 苍头燕雀合唱三、四种歌,唱的时候按着一定的先后次序。
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough 燕雀在果园的枝头啁啾
We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo. 我们一辈子都被它们所包围,但我们的观察力太差了,以至于许多东西都无法辨别,比如鸟儿的歌声,鸭子的颜色。
Thorpe next set out to determine exactly when the chaffinch learns to sing. 接着,索普就开始研究苍头燕雀是在什么时候学唱歌的。