The commission shall have the post of a chairperson, held by mayor, and two vice chairpersons. 市规划委员会设主任委员一名,由市长担任,设副主任委员二名。
The survey asked chairpersons if their institutions had implemented informed consent guidelines for non-ER patients before they underwent CT exams. 调查表调查所有的主席他们的研究机构是否有对非急诊病人进行知情同意调查问询对规定。
Major new European Guidelines will be presented by the respective Task Force Chairpersons and the differences and similarities between the European and the American Guidelines will be highlighted. 将由ESC工作组主席公布最新的欧洲指南,并对比欧洲和美国指南之间的相同和不同点。
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong raised a question on the appointment of members of the Chief Executive Election Committee or political parties as chairpersons or members of statutory and advisory bodies. 张文光议员就委任行政长官选举委员会委员或政党成员出任法定机构和谘询组织的主席或成员一事提出质询。