These are the glands and nerve ganglia, linked to the chakras, contracting in response to the stimulation. 这些是与脉轮相连的腺体和神经中枢对刺激作出的收缩反应。
Your tears are contributing to opening up your chakras, it is sacred work you are doing dear one. 眼泪能帮助你打通脉轮,亲爱的,这是你正在进行的神圣工作。
As the chakras of your body's system glimmer, their Light resonates a glorious musical harmony. 由于你身体系统脉轮闪光,它们的光共振一个华丽悦耳和声。
Allow yourself to come fully into present time with all chakras aligned above and beneath you. 允许你自己完全进入当下时间,所有脉轮都在你的上面或者下面排列整齐。
The light body is a body double, and holds a larger version of the etheric body and all chakras. 光身体就是一个双重的身体,持有以太体的更大形态和全部脉轮。
The energies now flow through all of your chakras-awakening-stirring your soul. 现在,能量经由你所有查克拉流动&唤醒-搅动你的灵魂。
You can very easily and effectively balance your chakras with this very simple technique. 用灵气这个简单的方法你可以非常轻易、有效地平衡你的脉轮系统。
Let us syncopate the chakras in rotation and size, balancing the entire field from top to bottom. 让我们切分脉轮的旋转和尺寸,从顶端到底部平衡整个场。
It stimulates your chakras into absorbing energy on the inhale and getting rid of negative energy on the exhale. 它刺激你的脉轮在吸入空气时吸收能量,在呼气时排出负面能量。
Although the body has many chakras, psychics and healers generally only concern themselves with the major ones. 虽然身体有许多的脉轮,心理学和治疗者通常只考虑主要的脉轮。
The chakras are attached to the spinal cord and nervous system via certain glands and nerve ganglia. 脉轮通过某些腺体和神经中枢与脊髓和神经系统相连。
Last, let us synthesize our large chakras and auric field. 最后,让我们合成我们的大脉轮及金场。
Some chakras will be in front of the form; they are in the future. 有一些脉轮会在身体的前面,它们就在未来。
The main energy conduit that connects all the chakras together is called the Hara line. 主要能源管道连接所有脉轮一起被称为男线。
Let us synthesize these chakras into a complete rainbow of tones, without beginning and without end. 让我们将这些脉轮合成为一条完全的彩虹音调,没有起始也没有尽头。
Aquamarine is good for aligning and balancing the Chakras and for connecting the physical and spiritual bodies. 海蓝宝石可以协调和平衡轮和连接身体和精神团体。
Vishnu s incarnations are said to have killed their enemies by using these chakras. 毗瑟挐化身据说靠使用这些脉轮杀死了他们的敌人。
The7 chakras are the centers of energy along the midline of your body. 这七个轮穴是你身体中线的能量中心。
If you've ever had that question, you need Chakras for Beginners. 如果你曾经有这样的问题,你需要脉轮的初学者。
This chakra governs the small chakras that exist throughout the grid work of the etheric body. 这一脉轮负责小脉轮,它们遍及以太体的晶格层。
Yoga is like an art form, with the asanas and the chakras as it's poetic expressions. 瑜伽就像一门艺术,体式和能量轮的唤醒就是它的诗意表达。
It is easy to access our intuition when our chakras are open. 当我们的气轮被打开的时候是非常容易进入我们的直觉的。
Unless this is opened sufficiently, the energy cannot flow into the other chakras. 除非这个脉轮被充分打开,能量就不能流入其他脉轮。
Allow your regeneration chakras and twelve chakra systems to fill with earth's love expanding it out from the etheric body. 将地球的爱从你的以太体中向外扩展,允许你的再生脉轮与12脉轮系统充盈地球的爱。
These hand placements are coordinated to the seven major chakras and the endocrine system. 这些手位和人体的七个主要脉轮及内分泌系统相对应。
Feel your mental hands closing the chakras and push the energy back down. 感觉你的精神之手在关闭脉轮,并把能量向下推。
By initiation 6000, the pituitary, pineal and male and female chakras open. 到6000股为止,垂体、松果腺和男女性脉轮打开。
Open all your chakras. 打开你的所有轮穴。
This transit of consciousness is essentially an inner journey from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. 这种意识上的进化过程是一种内在的旅程,从较低的脉轮到更高的脉轮。