I had ( his) head in chancery, and could give it him. 我把他的头挟在腋下,可以狠狠地揍他。
The Bush Administration is reconsidering the Reagan Administration's decision to tear down the new American Embassy chancery in Moscow, State Department officials said today. 国务院官员今天说,里根政府拆除莫斯科新建美国大使馆的决定,布什政府正在考虑。
He found himself in chancery when the truth came out. 真相大白后他发觉自己陷入了孤立无援的境地。
Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court. 只有少数几个州继续保持独立的衡平法院。
The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States. 美国一些州衡平法院的首席法官。
The overwhelming majority of Chancery Students who take these exams pass with exceptional results. 本校学生在剑桥英语考试均考获优异成绩。
Assessment on saving energy and reducing pollutants discharge for earthwork balance of water and soil conservation plan Either party to a cause in chancery shall have the right to an examination of all the witnesses in the case. 水土保持方案中土石方平衡的节能减排效益浅析在平衡法院诉讼中双方都将有权对案件的所有证人证据进行审查。
One got in chancery, and then there were four. 一个被留下还剩下四个。
Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo has expressed regrets over Stockholm's decision to shut down its chancery considering that the bilateral trade between the countries is growing. 外交部长罗慕洛也对斯德哥尔摩的决定表示遗憾,考虑到两国的双边贸易稳步增长。
At first, the royal chancery was in charge of Britain imperial documents and the Royal Seal; 中书法庭最初是主管英国王室文书事务的班子,掌管大御玺;
A case on corporate fraud came up in the Chancery courts recently. 一宗公司欺诈案最近在大法官法庭开审。
Victory of Equity: the Jurisdiction Conflicts between the Chancery and the Common Law Courts in England 衡平法的胜利&大法官法院与普通法法院的管辖权冲突
Every master in Chancery has had a reference out of the cause. Please provide full resume ( curriculum vitae) both in Chinese and English with references and other supportive documents ( ID, education, professional certificate). 大法庭里的每个推事,都从本案中混到一份资历证明书。有意者,请提供中英文简历,并付推荐信和其它证明文件(身份证,学历和专业资格证书)。
Many students at Chancery have won various English competitions on numerous occasions. 本校同学多次在不同的英语公开比赛中赢得奖项。
To call in the army to restore law and order. The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery; equity. 召来军队以恢复法治和程序。诉讼事务衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法;衡平法。
The grounds include two chancery buildings and a residence. 这个使馆包括两栋独立的建筑和一个住宅区。
The chancery has been found to be riddled with sophisticated eavesdropping systems and has never been used. 这座大使馆被发现布满设计精巧的窃听装置,所以从来未使用过。
Analysis on Information Resource Construction of Chancery in Colleges and universities under Network Environment 网络环境下高校档案馆信息资源建设浅析
The Origin and Evolution of the Britain Royal Chancery in middle Ages 中世纪英国中书法庭的起源和演进
Study in the Chancery under Edward ⅲ 爱德华三世统治时期中书法庭研究
I think, for strengthening and reinforcing kingship, kings sometimes conflicted with the nobles and the church, and sometimes cooperated with them, which is basic political impetus that led to the characteristics and the historical development of early equity of the chancery in England. 笔者认为,国王基于伸张王权,巩固王权的诉求而与封建贵族及教会进行斗争与合作是造成英格兰早期大法官法院及其衡平法的特征发展变化的根本政治动因。
Before equity of the chancery came into being, common law, roman law and canon law had run in England, and they all had notions of equity and rules of equity. 该章讨论在大法官法院中的衡平法诞生之前运行于英格兰王国中的其他法律&罗马法、教会法以及普通法及这些法律中蕴涵着的衡平理念和衡平规则。
After Wolsey broke down, outcome of jurisdiction conflicts between common law courts and the chancery rested with kings. 在沃尔西垮台之后,在大法官法院和普通法法院的冲突中,胜负的天平最终操持在国王的手中。
For this object, this dissertation set out as following seven chapters: In Chapter I, I discuss legal background which equity of the chancery arose from. 为了完成这一目的,本文分七章予以具体阐释:第一章为大法官法院衡平法产生发展的法律背景。
Floating charges originated in Roman law, and ultimately by the Court of Chancery in England in the form of precedent has been established, but also because of the historical background, only a description of the system without a clear definition. 浮动抵押起源于罗马法,并最终通过英格兰衡平法院以判例的形式得以确立,同时也因为这一历史背景,只有对该制度的描述而没有一个明确的定义。
Since the rule of representative action was established by the court of chancery in England, the group action has been 200 years, during which time each country in the world has successively established its own group action system in accordance with its state condition. 自英国衡平法院发明代表诉讼规则算起,群体诉讼制度的发展已经有200多年的历史了,期间世界各国先后建立起了符合本国国情的群体诉讼制度。
Bleak House by Charles Dickens is a legal text with Chancery Court as its focus. It enjoys a significant status in the discipline of law and literature and has aroused the interests of both the literary and legal scholars. 查尔斯·狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》是一部聚焦于大法官庭的法律文本,在法律与文学这一领域享有重要地位。