Investment is becoming a chancy business. 投资正变成一项风险事业。
I was hoping for a backer, but the project was too chancy. 我希望有支持者,但这项目风险太大。
Investing on the stock exchange is a chancy business. 投资于股票交易所是冒险的生意。
The chancy meeting in Singapore made the situation worse. 在新加坡的邂逅更是加剧了这种情况。
"Babies and the chancy life of a musician don't exactly go together. I was getting too old for all the travelling anyway, and the sitting in freezing Orchestra pit." “生儿育女和乐师动荡不定的生活是不合拍的。反正到处跑我已嫌年龄太大,也不适于老呆在冰冷的乐池里。”
A chancy appeal at best; getting that job was definitely fluky; a fluky wind; an iffy proposition. 最多是侥幸的上诉;得到那份工作纯粹是侥幸;变化不定的风;一个不确定的主张。
Valuing software companies is an art, not a science, and buying growth is a chancy business. 如何给软件公司估值是艺术而非科学,而且通过收购实现增长是有风险的。
He asked for chancy, I assumed he meant you. 他只是随便问问,我假定他指的是你。
Its sources of funding are so many, dispersed, small, and fickle that Michel Chancy, the deputy minister, says he is unsure of its total budget. 以农业部为例,其资金来源具有多、散、少、变的特点,以至于副部长米歇尔·昌西说他不确定农业部的整体预算。
In desperation they undergo many cycles of IVF, which more often than not is disastrous and a chancy method. 在绝望中他们遭受了许多轮的体外受精。它更可能是一种灾难性的和危险性的方法。
It was a chancy meeting. 这是一次邂逅相遇。
That was a chancy thing to do; you could have been badly injured. 那事做起来可真危险,当时你很有可能会受重伤。