As a chanter, Altai's poems, is the most splendid dedication that he offers to plateau homeland. 作为歌者,阿尔泰的诗歌,是他呈给故乡高原最精美的献词。
The voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer. 哀恸的领唱人的声音向哀伤的祷告者呼唤。
The chanter is usually open-ended; thus, there is no easy way for the player to stop the pipe from sounding. 一般风笛的调旋律管的两端都不是封闭的,所以演奏者往往很难使它停止发出声音。
And who is this chanter inside? 这个念诵者的内在是谁?
A Grievous Beauty Chanter Lu Yin Trial analysis the tragic content in the stories written by Lu Yin 悲哀的叹美者庐隐试析庐隐小说的悲剧意蕴
The design and implementation of the whole system are discussed and investigated in chanter 4. State monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of reducer apparatus is realized. 第四章详细探讨并研究了整个系统的设计和实现。系统实现了减速机的状态监测与故障诊断功能。
Chanter seven and eight give a summary of the development of such thoughts as are based on The Bible of Changes in the field of literature and art and also reveal its significance in modern times. 第七、八章,则总结了在文艺领域援《易》立说的历史发展,并揭示出援《易》立说的现代启示意义。
Chanter two present some classification of PA and some major index. 第二章节介绍功率放大器的分类以及主要的技术指标。
Starting from the third chanter, the author is giving an exploration into the pedagogy and research. 从第三章开始进入到琵琶教学法的探索及研究中。