Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes. 糖莴苣富含类胡萝卜素的绿色叶菜,有保护眼睛的作用。
Cooked greens, including cabbage, collards, and chard, are consumed at New Year's in different countries for a simple reason their green leaves look like folded money, and are thus symbolic of economic fortune. 诸如卷心菜、甘蓝菜和厚皮菜这样的绿色蔬菜也是很多国家的新年食品。人们吃它原因很简单:它们绿油油的叶子就像是钞票上的绿色,所以吃掉它们就表示来年财运不断。
For the main course, meat-eaters tucked into a duo of marinated filet mignon and slow-baked Arctic chard with potato croquette and heirloom cherries, a tomato fondue and black Tuscan kale. 至于主菜,肉食者们享受着浸泡在卤汁中的菲力牛排和慢烤的北极甜菜,配上马铃薯可乐饼和heirloom樱桃,番茄火锅和黑色的托斯卡纳羽衣甘蓝。
In the end, the fictional publisher Daniel Chard got it right: Content is king, and on that score, both J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith triumph. 不管怎样,书中虚构的出版商丹尼尔·查德说得对&内容为王,就这一点而言,J·K·罗琳和罗伯特·加尔布雷思都赢了。
In the next layer, plant your greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, mustard greens or collard greens. As well as vegetables, fish is often pickled particularly herring. 在下一圈,种植绿色蔬菜如菠菜、唐莴苣、芥菜或芥蓝菜。
On our plot all was well blanketed in rich cow manure the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun. 在我们的这块地上一切都好,被厚厚的牛粪覆盖着,红叶甜菜菜无所事事地站着,等待着太阳的温暖。
It's related to mangel and chard. It's a biennial and is usually grown in a cool climate. 它同饲用甜菜或牛皮菜的亲缘很近,两年生,通常栽培在冷凉的气候条件下。
In the next layer, plant your greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, mustard greens or collard greens. The leaves of kale, used as a vegetable. [英]拌生菜用小芥叶在下一圈,种植绿色蔬菜如菠菜、唐莴苣、芥菜或芥蓝菜。
Spinach, like broccoli and Swiss chard, is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. 波菜,或是花椰菜、瑞士甜菜等都是维他命A、C最好的来源,是人体所需来产生皮脂的营养素。
There's also a sidebaron kale and Swiss chard. 还有羽衣甘蓝和瑞士甜菜。
Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, collard greens and Swiss chard are the best source of vitamin K so eat plenty of them to get the full benefit of this bone-boosting nutrient. 甘蓝、菠菜、羽衣甘蓝、唐莴苣等深色绿叶蔬菜是补充维生素K的最好来源。所以充分地食用这类蔬菜能助你全面享受这种壮骨营养成分带来的好处。
All balance Swiss chard will be cropped next week. 馀下的彩虹君达菜下星期便会收割了。
I weeded for a while amongst the chard where the ground was softer and listened to the song birds singing all around, staking their claims on the plots for the arrival of spring. 我在红叶甜菜地里锄一会儿草,那里的土比较松软,我听了一会儿周围的鸟鸣,为春天的到来将它们的要求围在此地。现在樱桃花到处都开放了。
Performance of Rescuing Flow Chard for Patients with Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest in Clinical Teaching of Emergency Room 心跳骤停抢救流程图在急症科教学中的实施
Study on the Improvement of the Soil of the Newly Established Or-chard on the Reclaimed Purple Soil 新垦殖紫色土果园土壤熟化研究