The columned west portal of Chartres cathedral marks the beginning of the re-emergence of three-dimensional sculpture. 沙特尔大教堂的圆柱西波特尔商标的重新开始的三维雕塑的出现。
Richard Chartres ( pictured), the bishop of London, who ranks third in the Anglican hierarchy, acknowledged that almost everything the cathedral had done in response to the protest had been a mistake. 理查德·查特斯(如图),伦敦主教,在英国国教中排名第三,他承认大教堂对于抗议活动所采取的措施几乎都是错误的。
Even the God-loving people who fashioned the soaring vaults and delicate windows of Chartres had murder on their minds. 甚至连建造高耸拱形和致力于大教堂窗户设计的热爱上帝的人们也曾经在他们的思想中进行过谋杀。
The timing and size of river flows will change, affecting river water schemes, says Colin Chartres, director-general of the Sri-Lanka-based International Water Management Institute. 斯里兰卡的国际水资源管理研究所的所长ColinChartres说,河流径流的时机和水量将会改变,影响河流水系。
Super crops won't be enough& the planet will run short of food by2030 unless we invest to avoid an imminent world water crisis, says Colin Chartres. ColinChartres说,只有超级作物并不够&到2030年地球将缺乏粮食,除非我们投入资金以避免巨大的世界水危机。
Why do we persist in the same contradictory behavior day after day, century after century, alternating between Chartres and the Crusades, between grief and gore, between moonwalks and megatons? 为什么我们日复一日,一个世纪又一个世纪地坚持同样矛盾的行为?
Chartres mentioned India, where his institute is encouraging farmers to use surface water irrigation systems to recharge groundwater. Chartres提到了印度,在那里他的研究所正在鼓励农民使用地表水灌溉系统补充地下水。
"We've already tried this in [ Indian state of] Andhra Pradesh during the wet season," said Chartres. “我们已经在印度的安得拉邦的雨季测试了这种方法,”Chartres说。
The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the religious fervor of the Middle ages. 在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。
After the shrines of Christianity were in "safe" hands, many Crusaders returned home and turned their attention to other things, like the cathedral at Chartres. 在基督教圣坛被拯救回来后,许多十字军士兵返回家园,开始做其他的一些事情,比如修建。
On the north door of the Cathedral of Chartres there is a sculptured design, some six hundred years old, of God creating the birds. 沙特尔大教堂北门上的一个雕刻设计,有六百年之久,上面雕的是上帝造鸟。
Chartres said he was confident that water use in agriculture can be reduced. Chartres说他相信农业用水可以减少。
Meanwhile, in spite of wrangling committees and money shortages, St Paul's rose, with Wren holding fast, as they had at Chartres, to Plato and geometry. 与此同时,尽管委员会之间争吵不休,资金匮乏,圣保罗还是矗立了起来,就像当初的沙特尔一般,雷恩依旧忠于柏拉图和几何对称。
Chartres has30 years of experience in driving research and policy reform in natural resources management. 沙特尔了30多年的驾驶经验,研究和政策改革的自然资源管理。
We followed the well-trodden tourist route from Paris to chartres. 我们沿着旅游者常走的路线从巴黎到夏特。