To this centre, Wellington added one of Chasse's brigades taken from the right wing, and one of Wincke's brigades taken from the left wing, plus Clinton's division. 威灵顿从右翼调来了夏塞的一旅,又从左翼调了温克的一旅,再加上克林东的师部,用来加强中部的兵力。
The Grand Paris, with its origin dating back in1900, has been expanding from the old city of Paris along the road of what has been La Chasse Royale since medieval. 巴黎大区,在历史上从1900开始,是以西岱岛为中心的巴黎老城沿着中世纪以来的皇家狩猎场的道路向外发展的。
A ballroom dance with both quick and slow steps. perform a chasse step, in ballet. 一种有快步和漫步两种的舞厅舞蹈。在芭蕾舞中表演快滑步。
In which direction will the following Chasse from PP move when the Whisk is danced at a corner? 在角落里跳拂步时,后续的侧行追步向哪个方向移动?
The cab out there with a celine chasse, and we made it in like six weeks. 我们自己又做了一台,大概只花了六个礼拜,就在。