They were slaves, to be bought and sold as chattels. 他们是奴隶,将被作为财产买卖。
Corporeal chattels are goods. 有形动产指的是物品。
As people they could appeal to the courts to uphold their rights, but in much of hammurabi's code they were treated as chattels rather than as people. 尽管作为人他们有权要求法庭维护他们的权利,但在法典中他们更多是被当作私有财产而不是人来对待。
The registration of enterprise chattels under mortgage shall be handled by the administration for industry and commerce of the location of the enterprise chattels under mortgage. 企业动产抵押物登记,由抵押物所在地的工商行政管理局办理。
Chattels or decorative touches that may affect the value of a property. 可能影响物业价值的动产或装饰。
It isn't in the good old days when one tribe was slobbering another in order to get their wives and chattels. 这不是在远古的时候,当一个部落对另一个部落垂涎,想得到他们的女人和物产。
They discovered various chattels and valuable goods in the abandoned house. 他们在这个被废弃的房子里发现了各种各样的私人财产和值钱的物品。
To consolidate and amend the law for preventing frauds upon creditors by secret bills of sale of personal chattels. 本条例旨在综合及修订防止以秘密非土地实产卖据欺诈债权人的法律。
There are a number of torts against chattels, including trespass against goods, conversion of goods and detinue. 对动产的侵权行为有:对货物的侵权;对货物的变更;扣押货物。
The transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises An assignment is a total alienation of chattels personal. 产权划转和产权变动动产转让是指属人动产的完全转让。
It is hereby agreed that the sale and purchase hereof shall include the chattels, furniture and fittings as set out in the Remarks. 本买卖包括备注内所列之家俬及装设。
General chattels have no special character through which it can be identified. 一般动产不具有外观上可识别的特殊标志。
There is abolished so much of the punishment for any offence as consists in any General Forfeiture of lands or of goods and chattels or in being removed from Hong Kong or otherwise incapacitated to sue or be sued. 任何罪行的惩罚中,属概括地没收土地或财物及实产、或移离香港、或丧失起诉或被起诉的资格者,现予废除。
Riffat Hassan, a Pakistani-American, argues that though the Koran treats women with respect, centuries of patriarchy have turned them into chattels. 巴基斯坦裔美国人瑞法特?哈桑认为,尽管《古兰经》非常尊重女性,但是几个世纪的父权制把她们变成了奴隶。
However, as for the public summons, chattel Mortgage has serious defects for the non-transferring possession of objects and the mobility of chattels. The registration system of chattel mortgage is just the key to this problem. 但由于动产抵押是设定在动产上的不转移占有的担保物权,动产的易于移动性,使动产抵押存在严重的公示缺陷,而动产抵押登记制度正是解决这一问题的关键所在。
A Study of Priority Validity of Chattels Mortgage 我国动产抵押权优先效力研究
It is suggested when the legislative body thinks about how to give priority validity to chattels mortgage, the mortgager, the mortgagor and the third party who enjoys the benefits must be given balanced attention. 建议立法者在考虑如何赋于动产抵押权优先效力的时候,必须对动产抵押权人、动产抵押人和对该动产享有利益的第三人三方的利益部给予均衡的关照。
Firstly, the priority validity of chattels mortgage and its value are discussed. 首先,笔者阐述了动产抵押权优先效力及其价值。
Concerning the priority validity of chattels mortgage, this thesis categorizes it into two types-"the priority validity to the mortgagor" and "the priority validity to the third party". 本文针对动产抵押权优先效力问题,归纳为动产抵押权对抵押人的优先效力和动产抵押权对第三人的优先效力两种类型进行论述。
Financial lease is the product of the modern lease, which promotes the development of modern economy by making funds and chattels circulate. 融资租赁交易是现代租赁的产物,集融资与融物为一体,极大地促进了现代经济的发展。
The constituting conditions include: object condition ( mainly applied to chattels, thing possessed under entrust); 善意取得制度的构成要件包括:客体要件&标的物主要是动产(占有委托物);
According to the tenth and the twenty-sixth item of Material Law ( draft), it is very necessary to establish a unified register system of chattels mortgage and a unified register authority for the chattels mortgage. 根据《物权法》(草案)第十条、第二十六条,建立统一的动产抵押登记制度、确立统一的动产抵押登记机关势在必行。
Material Law Should Establish Notary Organ as the Unified Register Authority for Chattels Mortgage 《物权法》应确立公证机关为我国统一的动产抵押登记机关
This paper analyzes various problems of the system of chattels mortgage in our country, and points out the reason is that a unified register authority isn't established. 本文分析了我国动产抵押登记制度存在的种种问题,指出未确立统一的动产抵押登记机关是问题的症结所在。
The system of general chattels mortgage is one kind of illusion in theory and it is not proper that general chattels mortgage exists in our country's property law. 一般动产抵押制度只是理论上的虚幻,不宜在我国物权法中设立一般动产抵押。
This article reviews the historical evolution from pawnage of chattels to mortgage of chattels centering on public notice principle of property right, and explores current mortgage of chattels system in China based on the analysis of all solutions derived from Will Theory to Register Theory. 本文以物权公式原则为中心,回顾了从动产质押到动产抵押的历史演变过程,分析了从意思主义到登记主义的各种解决办法,并在此基础上检讨了我国现行动产抵押制度。
In the Common Law System, the concurrent ownership refers to situation in which two or more persons simultaneously have equal right in the possession and use of land or chattels. 共有在英美法上指两个或两个以上的人对财产享有平等的占有和使用权的状况。
The expropriation of property is most typical among all kinds of expropriations of chattels and property. 在动产、不动产和财产权利征收中,不动产征收最具代表意义。
How to constitute effective delivery? The author mainly from the chattels and real estate two aspects elaborated. 交付的构成要件,笔者主要从动产和不动产两个方面来阐述。
According to the character of floating charge over chattels, we can take the private remedy on the implementation. 结合动产浮动抵押的特性,我们在实行程序上可以采用私力救济。