The half-filled bottle sloshes; the full bottle remains still.; The dabbler in knowledge chatters away; the wise man stays silent. 一瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡。
As with previous articles, thanks to the chatters in the# maemo IRC channel, who offered useful advice while I was researching this. 与前面的几篇文章一样,感谢参与maemoIRC频道的人,他们在我研究这个问题时提供了有用的建议。
Warm and animated, quick to laugh, she chatters so freely that her publicist gets jumpy and tells her to lower her voice. 她温暖且充满活力,很快地笑,随心所欲地谈话,以至于她的公关变得紧张兮兮,告诉她要降低音调。
She chatters away around his side like a never-grown-up kid utterly depending on this man. 鸭。也许赖在他的身旁,叽叽喳喳。像是完全依靠长不大。
Every morning at6 o'clock, we would be awakened by their joyful chatters from inside the cage. 每天早晨6点钟,就能听见它们的歌声,它们用歌声叫醒我,和我的全家。
No mortal can keep a secret, if his lips are silent, he chatters with his figure tips, betray the rules out of him of every pore. 没人能保守秘密,及时双唇紧闭,指尖也会说话,每个毛孔都泄露着秘密。
A vain and talkative person ( chatters like a parrot). 虚荣并且多话的人(象鹦鹉一样喋喋不休地谈)。
Who chatters to you will chatter of you. 对你论人长短者,必将对人论你长短。
Who chatters to you, will chatter of you. 对你说是非的人也会说你的是非。
No one wants to sit next to Miss Yates at the Sewing Meeting; she chatters like a magpie, all the time. 在缝纫联谊会上,谁也不想坐在耶茨小姐身边;她整天喋喋不休。
The fool chatters but it is the wise man that listens. 蠢人说话,聪明人听话。
Everyone is tired of the person who checks registered permanent residence because he chatters all day long. 询查户口的人唠叨个没完,大家都烦了。
It really irritates me the way he chatters on about nothing all the time. 他这样总是喋喋不休地讲空话,真让我恼怒。
Stories of "chatters" falling in love are very common. 故事的“聊友”恋爱是非常普遍的。
Regardless of one line and are family, friends, friends, and chatters chatting, colleagues and the people you care about, or find the other half of the Earth! 不管是谁都行和家人、朋友、友人、聊友聊天、同事、关心你的人、或地球那头的知音!
From the aspects of language casualness, abbreviation, nonverbal communication and the use of punctuation marks, the paper analyzes the speech features of English chatting room on the Internet, helping chatters to overcome communication barriers and succeed in communication. 从语言的随意性、缩略语及非语言交际和标点符号使用个性化三个方面分析了英语网上聊天室的言语特点,有助于网民克服交流障碍,成功地进行网上交际。
It also discussed some particular features in the Chinese chat room, which are specific to Chinese chatters only. 但由于受本族语的影响,中国人网上聊天的语言有其独到之处。
Due to the attribute of the computer screen, the responses of chatters on the Internet will appear on the computer screen orderly, therefore, the phenomenon of overlap which often appears in the traditional face-to-face communication does not exist in online communication. 并且,由于计算机屏幕的属性,网上聊天者的会话会以依次出现在计算机屏幕上,所以经常出现在传统的面对面对话中的话语重叠现象在网上聊天是完全不存在的。
Nevertheless, IRC Chatroom interactions and communications carry valuation information about formal or ad hoc formation of groups of chatters who are communicating with diverse objectives. 但是,IRC聊天室中的交流和沟通中包含了关于聊天者群组的有价值的信息,这些聊天者群组是正式的或自主形成的,他们进行交流的目的也是多样化的。
The system is supported by a computational algorithm based on Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD) for the discovery of groups of chatters and hidden communication patterns within the chatrooms. 系统由一个基于奇异值分解(singularvaluedecomposition)的计算算法支持,该算法主要用于搜索聊天室中的聊天者群组和隐藏的通信模式。
The IRC client itself collects data on individual chatters and on chatroom behavior which could be used for statistical analysis. IRC客户端本身可以对聊天者个人和聊天室行为的数据进行收集,这些数据可以用于静态的分析。
Emoticon is the remarkable characteristic, and the use of it in chat rooms can not only save the chatters 'face but also make online communication more vivid, humorous and colorful. 情态符号是其标志性的特征,网络语言中独有的情态符号不但可以起到保留面子的作用,还使得网上聊天更加的生动幽默、丰富多彩。