He is here for medical check-ups and debriefing by State Department officials. 他来此是进行身体检查,并听取国务院官员的汇报。
If the risk is high, immediate check-ups should be done. 如果风险较高,则应该立即进行体检。
She now has her potassium levels and heart rate monitored at regular check-ups. 现在,琼斯体内的钾水平和心跳都受到定期的监测。
I should have to do that a number of check-ups? 我应该还要去做那几项检查?
You should have regular dental check-ups. 你应当定期支检查牙齿。
When the parents found that the performance of these children should be in time to the hospital for check-ups. 当家长发现孩子有这些表现时,应及时到医院做检查。
An employer shall give regular health check-ups to underage workers. 用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。
Do you go for regular medical check-ups? 你定期去参加体检吗?
You will have to come here for periodical check-ups. 你需要定期来门诊检查。
Using this system, you'll find routine check-ups become automatic. 使用本保养体系,您将发现定期检修会变成一种自觉行动。
These include having to pay for some diagnostic tests or for drugs for TB side-effects not covered by the health system or just the cost of travelling to the hospital for regular check-ups, given that many TB patients live in rural areas. 这些成本包括:某些诊断化验费用,医保体系未覆盖的结核病副作用的药费,或者就是定期去医院检查的路费许多结核病患者住在农村地区。
Rwanda, Afghanistan and Argentina have reduced infant death rates and increased deliveries at health facilities and prenatal check-ups. 卢旺达、阿富汗和阿根廷三国采取措施,降低了婴儿死亡率,提高了人们在医疗机构分娩的数量,增加了产前检查。
After you leave hospital, you will have regular check-ups to make sure your liver is working correctly. 当您离开医院,您将有定期体检,以确保您的肝脏工作正常。
What is most noteworthy, however, is the new type of ideological education movement in the army, which was carried out for more than two months last winter by the methods of pouring out grievances and the three check-ups. 但是最值得注意的,是在冬季两个多月中用诉苦和三查方法进行了新式的整军运动。
All of us, especially the aged, should receive periodical health check-ups. 我们大家,尤其是老年人,应该接受定期体检。
Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay or dental caries could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude. 专家表示,住院接受牙科治疗已成为先进严重的健康隐患,尽管通过正常的刷牙和检查可以很容易的防止蛀牙(或龋齿)。
Shanghai, for example, provides free check-ups and even unmarried couples enjoy free consultation. 比如,上海为新婚夫妇提供免费婚检;未婚情侣甚至也可享受免费咨询服务。
If you choose to breastfeed, it is very important that you take your baby for their check-ups as needed. 如果您选择母乳喂养,这是非常重要的是,您采取您的宝宝为他们检查身体需要。
"All in all, we have stayed at the level of cancer prevention via mass media campaigns and periodical check-ups of women for the early detection of cervical pre-cancer lesions," says Popescu. “总之,我们仍然停留在通过大众媒体宣传活动和定期为女性进行检查,以早期发现子宫颈癌前病变的癌症预防水平上,”Popescu说。
This was said to be for check-ups following an eye operation. 官方解释说这是眼部手术后复查的需要。
They hope to prevent being sick by having their teeth cleaned and their health checked. Therefore, they see the doctor and dentist for check-ups. 他们希望通过清洁牙齿和检查身体来预防疾玻因此,他们会找医生或者牙医进行检查。
Yearly check-ups in the local animal hospital are a good way to reassure owners of their pet's health. 宠物的主人们为了能对宠物的健康放心,每年都会到当地的宠物医院给宠物们做体检。
In the armed units, the check-ups were on class origin, performance of duty and will to fight. 在部队中是指查阶级、查工作、查斗志。
Beneficiaries also increased the number of prenatal check-ups by17%, average birth weights increased, and neonatal mortality decreased. 此外,产前检查的受益人数和新生儿平均体重有所增加,新生儿死亡率也有所下降。
Regular check-ups allow early detection when a miner's health is deteriorating. 如果矿工的健康状况下降,常规的检查是能够在早期发现问题的。
Special clinics where the elderly may have periodic health check-ups. 老年人可在那儿定期接受体检的专门诊所。
Give regular body check-ups to workers engaging in hazardous jobs. 对从事有职业危害作业的劳动者应当定期进行健康检查。
Families are also given a grant to buy school supplies, and a monthly food subsidy if they get medical check-ups, immunizations and health education lectures. 政府还设立了基金,资助贫困家庭购买学习用具,每月食物津贴,如果他们参加医疗体检、免疫接种和健康教育培训课程。这些教育津贴并非是杯水车薪的零钱。
We urge the miners to come to the hospital for regular physical check-ups. 我们敦促矿工定期到医院检查身体。
But these challenges also provide good opportunities to conduct check-ups. 但上述这些挑战亦是进行检讨的大好时机。