LIU WEI: Actually, Yao Ming ate two cheeseburgers every day while I had one. 刘炜(国家队队员):其实,姚明每天吃2只干酪汉堡包,我只吃1个。
A new Columbia University study found that people are more likely to crave junky food, like pepperoni pizza, cake, and cheeseburgers, on four hours of sleep than they are on eight hours. 哥伦比亚大学新的研究表明,和那些每天睡眠8小时的人相比,那些只睡4小时的更喜欢吃垃圾食品,比如意式辣肠披萨,蛋糕,芝士汉堡等。
A: So now is two cheeseburgers, a Tuna salad, and what was the last thing, sir? A:所以现在就是凉粉汉堡包,一份沙拉,先生,最后一样是什么?
Others, like high fat meals ( think cheeseburgers and BLTs) provide more sustained energy, but require our digestive system to work harder, reducing oxygen levels in the brain and making us groggy. 而其他的呢,比如说高脂肪食物(肉饼啊,三明治之类)提供更加持续的能量,但是要求我们的消化系统更加努力运转,同时降低大脑中氧含量,让我们觉得昏昏沉沉。
Over the last few months, during the endurance-athletics offseason, something extraordinary happened: The line began to blur between the health effects of running marathons and eating cheeseburgers. 过去几个月耐力赛事的淡季中,发生了一件很不寻常的事情:跑马拉松和吃芝士汉堡,这两件事对人体健康的影响的区别开始变得模糊起来。
You ever go out for cheeseburgers and beer? 你去过吃起司汉堡和喝啤酒吗?
Would you like anything else? We have a special on cheeseburgers today. 您还要点其他的吗?我们吉士汉堡今天特价。
They want cheeseburgers, lotto, and television. 人们只想吃汉堡、中彩票和看电视。
Maybe they should've sacrificed some cheeseburgers. 也许她们应该牺牲一些汉堡包。
"You know not to eat hamburgers and cheeseburgers eery day. That's just common sense," he said." What are they going to do next? Tell me what to wear?" 他说:“你知道不该吃汉堡包和三明治,这是常识,但下面他们该干什么,告诉我该吃什么?”
The plan was hatched 10 days ago over cheeseburgers at midnight in Barcelona, where he was attending a Morgan Stanley conference. 在收购前10天的一个午夜,詹姆斯•默多克吃着干酪汉堡包制定出了这个计划。当时他正在巴塞罗那出席摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的一次会议。
No matter whether visitors stayed at the Friendship or Beijing Hotel, this was before the arrival of era of Coca Cola, Cadillacs, or cheeseburgers in Beijing. 不管客人是住在友谊宾馆还是北京饭店,此时距可口可乐、凯迪拉克或奶酪汉堡涌入北京的时代尚远。
One obvious way to alleviate this problem is to tax the things that are causing it: when governments are having to strengthen their ambulances to cope with heavier patients, it is time for a levy on cheeseburgers. 减轻此种问题后果的一种显而易见的做法是对诱发因素征税:当政府不得不为了处理更为沉重的病人而对其救护车进行强化时,就到了该对芝士汉堡收税的时候了。
I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some onions for the hot dogs. 我带了些奶酪来做奶酪汉堡,还有些洋葱做热狗。
Dad: 3 double cheeseburgers to go, please! 爸爸:3个双层芝士汉堡带走。