The conversion film is probably constituted of amorphous and pored alloying tannate chelate. 这种转化膜很可能是由有一定孔隙的非晶态合金单宁酸膜层构成。
Field experiment was conducted in this research to study the effects of applying chelate fertilizer and conventional fertilizer on biological characters and quality of green Chinese onion of Zhangqiu. 通过田间试验研究了螯合肥施用与常规施肥对章丘大葱生物性状和营养品质的影响。
Preparing fertilizers of amino acid chelate micro element from pig hoof nail and its effect on growth of pakchoi; 田间小区试验结果表明,与无肥对照比较,施用腐殖酸和氨基酸复合肥料能促进花生生长,显著提高荚果产量。
Research on Synthesis of Tb(ⅲ) Chelate for New Solid-phase Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay 新型固相时间分辨荧光免疫分析用铽(Ⅲ)螯合物的合成研究
After the chloroform was evaporated, it was used as chelate complex chromatographic stationary phase to purify puerarin extractive. 建立了采用配位色谱柱从葛根素浸膏中分离纯化葛根素的方法。
Synthesis and Identification of Artificial Antigen Zinc Chelate 重金属锌螯合物人工抗原的合成与鉴定
Effects of Water-soluble Chelate Fertilizer Application on Biological Characters and Quality of Green Chinese Onion of Zhangqiu 施用水溶性螯合肥对章丘大葱生物性状及品质的影响
This study attempted to determine ferrous ions through ferrous-bipyridyl chelate by differential pulse voltammetry. 利用二价铁离子的联吡啶络合物,示差脉冲伏安法测定土壤中的二价铁离子。
The effects of adding rare earth-chitosan chelate ( RECC) on performance of aquaculture feed pellets were investigated in the present study. 研究了在饲料中添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐(RECC)对水产颗粒饲料性能的影响。
Progress of NO_x removal by metal chelate absorption combined with microbial reduction 络合吸收结合生物还原法脱除NOx研究进展
It is non-oxidizing, provides the necessary solubility, will not chelate metal ions, and has relatively low toxicity. 它不仅溶解度好,而且还是非氧化性的物质,不会螯合金属离子,毒性也相对较低。
Study on Zinc Absorption and Metabolism of Zinc Amino Acid Chelate and Effecting Factors 氨基酸螯合锌吸收、转运特点和影响因素的研究
Unfixed dyes could be removed with chelate in boiling. 在皂煮中加入螯合分散剂能有效地去除浮色。
Effect of Zinc-Amino Acid Chelate on Growth and Metabolism of Broilers 氨基酸螯合锌对肉仔鸡生长代谢的影响
Copper-Amino Acid Chelate on Immune Function of Growing Layers 氨基酸螯合铜对育成蛋鸡免疫功能的影响
The organic metal-containing compounds treatment technology can employ the compounds of chelate, colorless porous materials, organic silane. 有机金属化合物处理技术可采用的化合物有:有机金属螯合物、无色多孔材料、有机硅烷和聚磷酸铵。
Resonance Scattering Spectrometric Determination of Trace Silver in Ag(ⅰ)-EGTA Chelate System Ag(Ⅰ)-EGTA螯合体系共振散射法测定痕量银
It was reported about catalysis of urushiol-molybdenum chelate polymer ( PUM) on the esterification of n-butyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid and the effect of reactive condition on field. 本文报道漆酚钼螯合高聚物(PUM)催化正丁醇和冰乙酸直接酯化的研究结果,并考察了不同钼含量的PUM、PUM用量、醇酸比等对醋酸丁酯产率的影响。
Chelation Rate of Zinc Amino Acid Chelate Determined by Sephadex Gel Filtration Chromatography 葡聚糖凝胶过滤色谱柱法测定两种氨基酸锌螯合物螯合率的差异性
The desulfurization process of chelate iron system was studied. 主要研究螯合铁体系脱硫工艺。
Study on Preparation of Synthesizing Cu(ⅱ)-Compound Amino Acid Chelate from Rapeseed Meal 菜籽粕制备复合氨基酸螯合铜的研究
The properties and structural characterization of benzimidazole chelate resin 苯并咪唑螯合树脂的性能与结构表征
Chelation Adsorption Behavior of a Salicylic Acid-Type Chelate Resin for Fe(ⅲ) Ions 水杨酸型螯合树脂对Fe(Ⅲ)离子的螯合吸附行为
Synthesis and characterization of Cu~ ( 2+)-Lys chelate Cu~(2+)-Lys螯合物的合成和表征
Organic chelate liquid laser 有机螯合物液体激光器
One of the important factors to form chelate is there should be enough atoms to coordinate with metal ion. 而要形成螯合物其中有一个因素非常重要,就是金属离子周围必须有足够的原子与它产生配位。
Objective: To study the protective effect of collagen peptide-chromium chelate on liver injury in alloxan-treated mice. 目的:研究胶原蛋白多肽铬螯合物对小鼠四氧嘧啶致肝损伤在形态结构方面的保护作用。
Form a chelate, in chemistry. 形成螯化的,在化学上。
Preparation of Bovine Hemoglobin Enzymatic Hydrolysate ( BEH)-Calcium Chelate 牛血血红蛋白酶解液钙螯合物制备工艺研究