Diffusional limitations and slow significant chemisorption processes may not be readily detected. 扩散控制和显著缓慢的化学吸附过程是不易检测的。
For well-dispersed Pt, all particles are essentially on the surface available for chemisorption by an equal number of oxygen or hydrogen atoms. 对于分散良好的铂,表面上的全部粒子在表面上基本上都能被相同数量的氧原子或氢原子进行化学吸附。
To consume and incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion. take up a substance by chemisorption. 吸收消化后把营养消耗并吸收在体内用化学吸收作用来吸收物质。
Density Functional Theory Study of Small Gas Molecules Dissociative Chemisorption on Transition Metal Catalysts 气体分子在过度金属催化剂上吸附行为的密度泛函理论研究
Reactions at Surfaces: Chemisorption, Corrosion, Hydrolysis. 表面反应:化学吸附,腐蚀,水解。
The theoretic mechanism on heavy metal ions partitioning problem, such as: Two Step Model, Multiple Surface Sites Model, Surface Film Model and Chemisorption Model etc. 讨论了两阶段理论模型,多重表面座模型,表面薄膜模型和化学吸附层模型的应用;
Determination of Mercury Content in Natural Gas by Chemisorption on Iodine-Impregnated Silica Gel 碘浸硅胶吸附法测量天然气中汞含量
The height of the reactor ensures a suitable particle retention time for the wetting of hydrated lime particles and the chemisorption of SO2/ SO3 with the lime. 反应器的高度确保了颗粒合适的停留时间来打湿熟石灰的颗粒以及石灰对于SO2/SO3的化学吸附。
Chemisorption and physisorption coexist in the modification process of bentonite by aluminate coupling agent. 铝酸脂偶联剂对膨润土的改性同时存在化学吸附和物理包覆作用。
The stability function is due to the chemisorption of free HCl, catching the radicals in PVC systems. 其稳定机理主要有化学吸附游离的HCl,捕捉聚氯乙烯体系中的游离基。
Quantum Chemical Study of Chemisorption States for Oxygen on Alkali Metal Oxides and Sulfides 碱金属氧化物和硫化物晶面上氧吸附态的量子化学研究
The influence of the addition of n-type semiconductor oxide CeO 2 to Ni-based catalyst on carbon deposition from CH 4 and carbon elimination by CO 2 was studied by using a pulse microreaction technique. The catalysts were characterized by TPR, XPS and hydrogen chemisorption. 采用脉冲微量反应技术研究了添加n型半导体氧化物CeO2对Ni基催化剂上CH4积炭/CO2消炭性能的影响,用TPR,XPS和氢吸附技术对催化剂进行了表征。
The analysis of the chemisorption bond has been carried out by means of projection operator techniques. 通过用射影算子方法,我们对所有原子簇模型中的化学吸附键进行了分析。
The reason is due to chemisorption of etching molecular decreasing surface energy. 其原因和浸蚀刺分子吸附降低表面能有关。
Theoretical Studies of the Chemisorption of CO on Supported-metal Catalysts of Ru, Rh, Pd(ⅱ) 负载型金属催化剂Ru,Rh和Pd体系对CO化学吸附的理论研究(Ⅱ)
Chemisorption of catalysts to CO 2 and EO ( ethylene oxide) was investigated by molecular probing IR technique. 运用分子探针红外技术,研究了催化剂对CO2和环氧乙烷(EO)的化学吸附特性。
A composite process design of acrylonitrile gas applying chemisorption and active carbon adsorption was proposed based on experiment results. 在化学吸收和活性炭吸附的实验研究基础上,对腈纶厂丙烯腈废气进行了化学吸收+活性炭吸附组合工艺设计及工程应用。
The EHMO calculation of CO and o_2 chemisorption on the surface of perovskite lacoo_3 CO和O2在钙钛矿型LaCoO3表面化学吸附的EHMO研究
H atom is charged negatively in chemisorption. 在化学吸附过程中,氢原子被带上负电。
Calculation results indicate that top and bridge sites on Graphite ( 0001) are more stable chemisorption. 计算结果表明氢在石墨(0001)表面的顶位和桥位可以形成较强的化学吸附。
In catalytic process physisorption and chemisorption may proceed at the same time. 在催化过程中,物理吸附和化学吸附是同时进行的。
The activated chemisorption of CH4 on La film has been studied. 本文用分子束改变平动能的方法,研究了非常态分子CH4在处于不同表面温度下的稀土La薄膜上的激活化学吸附。
The chemisorption of H_2 and H_2O, and their reactivity with CO on a Ni catalyst were investigated using pulse reactor. 本文应用脉冲色谱法,对镍基催化剂上H2和H2O的不可逆吸附,以及CO和它们的反应情况进行了研究。
This paper focuses on the static equilibrium adsorption behaviors and the confirmation of chemisorption characteristics. 讨论了静态平衡吸附行为和化学吸附特征的证实。
Its surface composition and structure, chemisorption properties and behaviors in laser stimulated isobutane selective oxidation are investigated by techniques of XRD, IR, TPD and laser stimulated surface reaction ( LSSR). 运用XRD,IR,TPD和激光促进表面反应(LSSR)技术研究了其晶体结构、表面构造、化学吸附特性和激光促进异丁烷选择氧化反应性能。
For a time, oxygen chemisorption structures on Cu surfaces belong to the most studied of all adsorption phases. 而氧原子在Cu表面的化学吸附结构也曾一度成为所有吸附相结构中研究最多的一种。
The results showed that chemisorption of Hg atoms could facilitate dislocation emission and motion. 结果表明:加载裂纹吸附Hg原子后能促进位错的发射、增殖和运动;
The catalyst is characterized by temperature programmed reduction ( TPR), H_2 chemisorption and ammonia temperature programmed desorption ( NH3-TPD). 采用程序升温还原(TPR)、氢的化学吸附和NH3的程序升温脱附(NH3-TPD)对催化剂进行了表征。
Chemisorption Energy and Charge Transfer of Pt on DBA Surface Pt在DBA表面的化学吸附能和电荷转移
XRD, TEM and CO chemisorption results indicated that the Pt particles were highly dispersed in the catalysts. XRD、TEM和CO化学吸附表征结果表明Pt粒子在载体上高度分散。