From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town 从雷克瑟姆市中心出发,沿着切斯特路到达市郊。
'I actually live near Chester.' — 'Whereabouts?' “我实际上住在切斯特附近。”——“具体在哪里?”
Robyn went out to Winchester Virginia found a litter of black Labs and brought home Chester. 罗宾去了趟弗吉尼亚的温切斯特,发现了一窝黑色的拉布拉多小狗,于是,把切斯特带回了家。
When I cough, my chester hurts. 我咳嗽时胸部就会痛。
This pair have been delighting visitors to Chester Zoo. 这对儿长颈鹿宝贝儿一直吸引着英国切斯特市动物园的游客们。
The BBC and the University of Chester in the UK conducted a simple experiment with a small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting. 英国广播公司BBC和切斯特大学做了一个简单的小实验。
That night, Chester stood in front of his school and looked thoughtful. 那天晚上,奇奇站在学校前面,边看边想。
She took Chester's hand and carefully wrapped his fingers around the kiss. 浣熊妈妈拉着奇奇的手,用他的手指把那个亲亲小心地包起来。
The study will be presented today at the annual conference for the British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology, in Chester. 这一研究结果将于今日在切斯特举行的英国心理学协会职业心理学部年会上展示。
A6-day-old giraffe stands with its mother at Chester Zoo in Chesire, England. 英格兰Chesire的Chester动物园中,一只6天大的小长颈鹿和妈妈在一起。
The doctors say that there weren't any complications and now I'm sitting at home in Chester with my foot up and in plaster. 医生说我没有其他什么的并发症,我现在在我切斯特的家中,我的脚则被石膏裹着。
Well, I know what time Chester and Marsha said. 我并不想多管闲事,不过告诉我你跟马莎怎么了。
Chester-The Chester Hide and Skin abattoir. 切斯特-隐藏的切斯特和皮肤屠场。
Chester: Martin was showing me his PDA this morning. It's the latest model. 却斯特:今天早上马丁给我看他的电子记事簿,是最新的型号。
The Method of Mixed two-phase Stratified Sampling in Market Research; Methods Stratified chester random sampling. 市场调研中的混合双重分层抽样方法方法采用分层整群随机抽样的调查方法。
Evans joins fellow United loanee Cameron Stewart and former Red James Chester at Hull City. 赫尔城还有斯图尔特和切斯特在那踢球。
The new church was consecrated by the bishop of Chester 在切斯特的主教主持下举行了新教堂的奉献礼
Sylvia and I were traveling with our father, Chester Ronning, who had been a Canadian diplomat in China. 西尔维亚和我与我们的父亲切斯特·朗宁一同旅行,他从前是驻中国的加拿大外交官。
If it had't been raining, I would have gone to Chester's Restaurant as usual. 要不是天一直下雨,我会像平常一样去切斯特餐馆。
"Ready to go, girl?" Uncle Chester said cheerfully. “姑娘,准备走吧?”柴斯特姨夫欢快地说。
A big hand for Shirley Charles and Chester bronson! 为雪莉查尔斯和彻斯特布兰森鼓掌!
He got in for chester. 他当选为切斯特地方议员。
Their offices are on the second floor of Chester house. 他们的办公室在切斯特大厦三楼。
Chester Finn of the Thomas Fordham Institute, an education think-tank, is no fan of universal preschool. 切斯特•芬恩所在的托马斯•福德姆研究所,是一个教育智囊团,它对普及性学前教育不感兴趣。
But it's a long way to Chester's from my office, so I put on my raincoat and ran across the street of Pierre's instead. 但这家餐馆离我的办公室很远,所以我就穿上雨衣,跑过街道,改到对面的皮埃尔饭店去了。
And now, I am at Chester, England. 现在,我到了英国切斯特城。
You live in West Chester, right? 你一定是住在西金库市,对不对?
Xerography invented by Chester carlson. 切斯特。卡尔森发明静电复印术。
Chester Stiles was arrested in Nevada during a traffic stop and he is now scheduled to appear in court. 切斯特.斯泰尔斯在内华达的一个交通岗被逮捕并会预期出现在法庭上。
Chester: Maybe you should go sit on the toilet? 切斯特:也许你该去洗手间。