Impact of intervention of women of child-bearing age suffering from genital herpes on gestation and delivery 生殖器疱疹妇女治疗对怀孕和生产的影响
The important factors affecting total fertility rate are economic development level, the general fertility rate, the child-bearing age and the level of urbanization. 影响中国总和生育率的主要因素有经济发展水平、一般生育率、生育年龄和城镇化进程等。
Where a couple of child-bearing age practise family planning according to the relevant regulations of the state, the departments concerned shall provide safe and effective contraceptives and techniques, and ensure the health and safety of the woman receiving any birth-control operation. 育龄夫妻双方按照国家有关规定计划生育,有关部门应当提供安全、有效的避孕药具和技术,保障实施节育手术的妇女的健康和安全。
Method: 28 cases of primary dysmenorrhea child-bearing period and unmarried women ( at the age of 20~ 27 years) were selected with certain diagnostic standard. 方法:选择年龄在20~27岁符合诊断标准的原发性痛经育龄期未婚女性28例。
The sterile husbands and wifes child-bearing right and the agent mothers physical right provide the valid foundation for the behavior, which makes its rights and obligations relations more definite. 不孕夫妇的生育权和代理母亲的身体权为代孕行为提供了合法性基础,代孕协议使代孕行为权利义务关系更加确定。
In women of child-bearing age, loss of iron from menstruation of blood adds considerably to iron need. 在妇女生育年龄的损失,铁从月经的血液大大增加铁的需要。
Women employees enjoy special care during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation periods, and child-bearing women employees enjoy a three-month paid maternity leave. 妇女劳动者在经期、孕期、产期和哺乳期受到特殊照顾,生育女职工享有3个月的带薪产假。
Continue to do the long-term impact of child-bearing? 继续做好对儿童的长期影响,影响?
An analysis on causes of death for women of child-bearing age in Wuxi City, 2004-2008 无锡市2004~2008年育龄妇女死亡分析
The family planning departments in many places have initiated health-care-at-childbirth services for couples of child-bearing age. 中国许多地区的计划生育部门为育龄夫妇开展了婚育系列保健服务活动。
Radiological health protection standards for X-ray examinations of child-bearing age women and pregnant women. 育龄妇女和孕妇的X线检查放射卫生防护标准。
More members of the generation born under the one-child policy have reached the age of marriage and child-bearing, and China is preparing itself for a baby boom. 计划生育年代出生的一代人已经到了结婚和生育的年龄,中国正在迎接又一个生育高峰。
Immunizing women of child-bearing age against rubella before pregnancy; 孕前对育龄妇女进行预防风疹免疫接种。
Relevant departments have the duty to provide couples at the child-bearing age with safe and effective contraceptives and techniques and ensure that women taking birth control measures are safe and healthy. 有关部门有义务为育龄夫妇提供安全、有效的避孕药具和技术,保障实施节育手术的妇女的安全和健康。
Sampling survey on artificial abortion status of married women of child-bearing age in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province 江西省南昌市已婚育龄妇女人工流产情况的抽样调查
There is a risk it would put off some business owners from employing women of child-bearing age. 这会使得一些老板不敢雇佣育龄期妇女。
The growth is being spurred by more later-in-life marriage and child-bearing. 造成这种增长的主要原因是现在人们结婚和生育的年龄都要比以前晚一些。
Child-bearing may be inevitable for women but the rearing of the child will be the responsibility of the community or at least a class of guardians and common daycare centers. 生育可能无可避免地需要女性,但接下的养育,将是社群的职责,或至少是一个守护阶级,还要有共同的日托中心。
Survey on AIDS and maternal-neonatal transmission diseases of rural women of child-bearing age in inter-provincial marriage in Shanxi 山西省跨省婚嫁的农村育龄妇女艾滋病及母婴传播性疾病调查
Child-bearing right is a basic civil right of human beings. 生育权是公民的一项基本民事权利。
An Exploration on the Impact of Confucianism on Traditional Idea of Marriage and Child-bearing, and Ethnic Related to Family 儒家学说对传统婚育观念和家庭伦理关系影响探讨&兼论对儒学几个观念的理解和再释
Controlling for child-bearing age of mother show mother's education, children living, training children reading habits, to provide academic assistance are still important factors. 控制母亲生育年龄后,母亲教育程度、子女居住方式、培养子女阅读习惯、提供课业相关协助及子女是否补习仍为重要影响因子;
There two methods of redress to protect the right of child-bearing., including legal remedies and remedies beyond law. 对生育权的保护包括法律救济和法外权利救济方式。
Child-bearing will not interfere with a career. 生孩子不会妨碍事业。
The family planning service should be given not only to married women but also to unmarried women, further more to the whole child-bearing women. 同时显示避孕方法还需改进,计划生育工作的对象不应局限于已婚育龄妇女,而应将其扩大到包括未婚青年在内的整个育龄妇女。
However, it has been so terribly wide-spread nowadays that simple material success has become the standard for child-bearing. 但是,单纯用物质的成功作为标准培养孩子的模式,现在已经普遍到很可怕的程度。
Objective investigation by census, master the women of child-bearing age mammary gland disease incidence, analysis of related factors do early diagnosis and early treatment. 目的通过普查活动,调查掌握全市育龄妇女乳腺疾病的发病情况,分析相关发病因素,做到早诊断和早治疗。
Analysis of the death reasons and relative factors of child-bearing women from1998to2002in Yuzhong District of Chongqing city. 重庆市渝中区1998~2002年育龄妇女死因及相关因素分析。
I know it doesn't look like I have child-bearing hips. 我知道我的屁股看起来没那么能生养。
Not surprisingly, changes in child-bearing have gone along with changes in marriage. 养育后代发作变化和婚姻发作变化相伴相生就屡见不鲜了。