Wonderful though it is, romantic love is unstable& not a good basis for child-rearing. 尽管浪漫的爱情如此奇妙,但它却并不稳定&这绝非养儿育女的良好基础。
Annual child-rearing expense estimates ranged between 11,610 and 13,480 per-child in married, middle-class family with two children. 有两个孩子的中产阶级家庭每年平均在每个孩子身上花的钱大约在11610美元至13480美元。
Add the value of housework and child-rearing, and women probably account for just over half of world output. 加上处理家务和养育孩子的价值,女性的贡献或许超过全球产出的一半。
The show features a new generation of Chinese fathers, who, as part of the countrys burgeoning middle class, have faced more exposure to modern child-rearing techniques such as taking an active role with their children. 节目聚焦于中国新一代父亲他们是新兴中产阶级,面临许多现代社会养育子女的问题,比如怎样和子女积极互动交流。
Although we've made strides toward a more equitable division of labor, women still tend to do more hours of housework and child-rearing than men do. 虽然朝着更加公平的分工目标我们已经取得了长足的进步,但相比男人,女性仍然倾向于花更多时间打理家务和抚养子女。
Child-rearing values-sacrifice, stability, dependability, maturity-seem stale and musty by comparison. 而牺牲、稳定、可靠及成熟等育儿的价值观似乎已经过时了。
Delia Liu, head of strategic planning at JWT, said the survey showed men are getting more involved with child-rearing and responsibilities at home. 智威汤逊战略策划负责人刘松(DeliaLiu)说,这项调查显示,男性们正在更多地参与到抚养子女和家庭责任中。
But he admits that each culture evolves the child-rearing strategies it needs to reproduce itself, and he posits that pick when green is necessary in a complex society like ours. 但他承认,每种文化都逐步形成了保持自我发展所需的育儿策略,他认为,未成熟就采摘在像我们这么复杂的社会中是必要的。
We can blame the political philosopher John Locke for our current child-rearing preoccupations. 我们可以说,导致我们现在如此专注于育儿的,是政治哲学家约翰·洛克(Johnlocke)。
The book contrasts child-rearing methods in America and russia. 这本书对比了美国和俄国抚养儿童的方法。
Every parent could benefit from hanging it in a prominent place as a reminder of how to provide the best child-rearing environment! 所有父母都应该把它挂在家里显眼的地方,提醒自己如何给孩子提供最好的成长环境,你会从中受益。
This is our parents of the child-rearing. 这是我们各位家长养育出的好孩子。
Chinese child-rearing book that has been a runaway success in China has this piece of advice: Listen to your child. 一本在中国获得巨大成功的中文育儿书提出了这则建议:倾听孩子的心声。
The immediate family is no longer the universal setting for child-rearing in China. 在中国,通常情况下,已经不再是直系亲属抚养子女。
The department also noted that child-rearing costs are the greatest in the urban West, and lowest in the urban Midwest and rural areas across the country. 美国农业部还指出,从全国来看,西部城市养育子女的成本最高,中西部城市和农村地区最低。
Why shouldn't a woman have a job after years of child-rearing? 一个妇女养育孩子几年后为什么不能有份工作呢?
She studied the problems of child-rearing, personality and culture in different societies. 她研究了不同社会的儿童阅读、个人品格和文化等问题。
In the second, the man is so good at child-rearing and cooking while the woman is so hopeless around the house, that everyone seems happy. 而另一对夫妇中的男方是如此擅长抚养孩子和烹饪,而女方在家政方面又是如此的无可救药,以至于大家看起来都很开心。
Child-rearing costs have soared since USDA began conducting its annual study in1960, and can vary dramatically according to a family's income. 自美国农业部1960年开展这项年度调查以来,美国的子女养育成本大幅增长,同时这也会因家庭收入的不同而出现很大差别。
Adults ( and even adolescents) feel little hesitation about intervening in the child-rearing process. 大人(甚至青少年)几乎毫不犹豫地干涉小孩成长的过程。
There is a widening gulf between how the best-and least-educated Americans approach marriage and child-rearing. 在美国,现在那些受过最好教育和最差教育的人们对于婚姻和抚育后代的看法(approach理解欠妥)差异越来越大。
For instance, any cross-cultural analysis would have found that mothers do much more child-rearing than men. 举例来说,所有的跨文化分析都会发现,在抚育子女方面,母亲要比父亲付出的多得多。
The splitting up of families poses a challenge to traditional household structures and approaches to child-rearing, said Xie Guangxiang, deputy secretary-general of Anhui Provincial Government. 安徽省政府副秘书长谢广祥说,留守家庭问题向传统的家庭结构和子女教育的方法提出了挑战。
In this context, women must also be more selective, because wrong choices can lead to much higher costs than for men: pregnancy and child-rearing. 在本文中还提到,女人一定要比男人要更有眼光,因为错误的选择会导致比男人更高的代价:怀孕和养孩子。
And even if you're well past your child-rearing years, her advice will help you better withstand setbacks. 并且多年来,您很好的抚养您的孩子,她的意见会帮助您更好地承受挫折。
The hope that it can help you, I wish you good health and lively child-rearing. 希望能对你有帮助,祝你养育活泼健康好孩子。
This is not a scientific child-rearing methods, it might be advisable not to use, especially the elderly at home. 这都是很不科学的育儿方法,最好还是不要用尤其是家里有老人的。
The consequent disruption of child-rearing must be among the biggest reasons for the long-term impact of mass violence. 由此导致的儿童无人抚养必定是群体暴力的影响力经久不衰的最重要原因之一。
Now they do, from an extraordinary years-long experiment in Romania that compared the effects of foster care with those of institutional child-rearing. 现在他们找到了。科学家在罗马尼亚,将有父母看护的孩子和孤儿院的孩子作对比,经过很长时间的调查研究得出了此结论。