Grounds for divorce in Tajikistan include childlessness, emotional estrangement, shortage of housing, drunkenness, and economic dissatisfaction. 在塔吉克斯坦离婚的原因主要是无子女,感情疏离,住房困难,酗酒及经济的不如意的家庭。
Professor Vivienne Moore, of the University of Adelaide, who led the research, said: Our results show that having children at an older age and childlessness are not just a matter of individual womens choices. They reflect the broader structural arrangements in society. 阿德雷德大学的摩尔教授领导了这次的研究,她表示我们的研究说明,女性选择高龄生育或者根本不育,这已经不仅事关女性自己的选择了,它已经影响到整个社会结构了。
Now it seems she might have had a point, after a new study has revealed a clear correlation between intelligence and childlessness-with cleverer women more likely to choose not to have a family. 现在看来她可能是有道理的,一项新的研究表明智商和是否有子女之间有着密切联系较为聪明的女性大多选择单身。
Still, she cautioned against attributing too much of the recent surge in childlessness by choice to societal trends. 不过,她告诫大家不要把最近主动选择不要孩子现象的激增过多归因于社会潮流。
As the Pew research shows, childlessness was once the domain of the highly educated, but now every other segment of society is catching up. 就象佩尤调查显示,不生育的人群曾经都是受高等教育的,而现在其他部分人数正在赶超上来。
Childlessness has reached record levels among a generation of women wrestling with the pressures of careers, mortgages and rocky relationships. 由于要跟事业,抵押借款和不稳定的恋爱关系等压力作斗争,现代女性的不生育现象已经达到新的水平纪录。
Conservative histrionics aside, women who have abortions aren't the ones causing the uptick in childlessness. 他们可能有些夸张了,女性可以自由堕胎并不是导致她们不要孩子的原因。
Such is the hope for the millions of women like Rita Sembuya who longs for an end to the stigma of childlessness. 这是像丽塔·西姆巴亚一样,渴望结束不能孕育儿女这种烙印的数百万妇女的希望。
I was once a wife, too, and in love& but childlessness wrecked our marriage. 我也一样曾是位妻子,沐浴在爱河中。但婚后无子的生活使我们的婚姻陷入了危机。
The generations that saw the biggest increases in childlessness also saw big increases in full-time employment rates, suggesting that some women were choosing careers and not families. 生育率大幅降低的几代人就业率却大幅增长,这表明有些女性看重的是事业而不是家庭。
Therefore, childlessness, particularly without any male heir, would threaten the continuation of the family. 因此,没有子嗣,尤其是没有男性继承人,就会威胁到家庭的延续。