I often see tourists block the way with their chunky suitcases or chitchatting on the escalators during rush hour. It annoys me to no end. 在上下班高峰时段,我经常看到许多游客用大件行李挡住了路,有的人还在电梯上闲聊家常,这让我不胜其烦。
I wondered what these people were doing, sitting around naked, chitchatting now and then. 我奇怪这些人赤身裸体地坐着闲聊要干什么。
'Their job includes buying programmers breakfast, chitchatting and playing ping-pong with them,' the post said. 报道称:她们的工作包括为程序员买早餐,陪他们聊天、打乒乓球。