Chocoholics are rejoicing amid a proliferation of new scientific evidence showing cocoa may be good for the heart. 巧克力控们要高兴了,因为一组最新的科学证据表明可可可能对心脏有好处。
Scientists have come up with a mouthwatering invention which could change the lives of chocoholics in the summer-a type of chocolate that does not melt in the heat. 尼日利亚科学家最近发明了一种耐热巧克力。这种巧克力在炎热的夏天里不易变软或融化,好吃者可以随身携带、随时享用。听起来是不是口水横流呢?
But there are signs that even chocoholics are tightening their belts this time around. 但有迹象显示,如今就连嗜好巧克力的消费者也已勒紧了裤腰带。