I chomped hungrily through the large steak 我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。
Then the participants closed their eyes and chomped on snack foods like Pringles and cookies. 然后让他们闭上眼睛,吃吃薯片、甜饼干什么的。
Ancient Mayans and Greeks chomped on resin gum; stress sure had been around a long time. 古玛雅人和古希腊人大声地咀嚼树脂口香糖;压力确定已经存在很长一段时间了。
However, bringing the criminals to justice will be a challenge because the sheep chomped their way through quite a lot of the evidence. 不过,要将那些罪犯绳之以法可能有些挑战,因为绵羊们已经嚼掉了大部分的证据。
All were asked to chew gum in the morning, but one group got a plain wintergreen placebo, while the other chomped on gum laced with 200 milligrams of caffeine, or about the same amount that's in two cups of black coffee. 实验人员要求他们早上嚼口香糖,但其中一组的口香糖中含有冬青草安慰剂,而另一组的口香糖中则含有200克咖啡因,相当于两杯黑咖啡中咖啡因的含量。
It's really good and fresh. It's exquisite, said 12-year-old Shane Leonard as he chomped into a black and white cupcake from the ATM. 12岁的谢恩?伦纳德一边咬着ATM机做出的黑白色纸杯蛋糕一边说:真是又好吃又新鲜,很精致。
He chomped his way through two hot dogs. 他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。
No one wants to be grossed out seeing food being chewed up or hearing it being chomped on. 不要边吃东西边说话,嘴里有东西时不说话。咀嚼时嘴巴要闭起来。
If you chomped into this mouth-watering meal, your taste buds would never trust you again. 如果你吃了一顿令人垂涎的食物,你的味蕾或许不会再信任你了。
Florida man was about halfway through a plate of steamed clams when he chomped down on something hard& a rare, iridescent purple pearl. 一名佛罗里达男子在享用一盘清蒸蛤蜊时突然咬到了一些硬硬的东西&原来是一颗罕见绚丽的紫色珍珠。