Mackenzie says both agreed that the Berlioz "Requiem" would be an epic challenge even for mature choristers. 麦肯锡表示,他和斯帕诺都认为,柏辽兹的《安魂曲》哪怕对专业合唱团来说都是重大的挑战。
An ankle-length black garment worn by priests or choristers. 牧师或唱诗班指挥穿的一种到踝部的黑色外衣。
Choristers form a human christmas tree as they sing during a rehearsal of the Living Christmas Tree concert in Osan, south of Seoul. 韩国首尔南部的小城乌山,唱诗班的歌手们站在台阶上,把自己排列成圣诞树的样子。他们是在为圣诞音乐会做排演。
Multi-tone solfeggio being applied in chorus training can make choristers express the right content of the music in melody, rhythm, harmony aspect. 多声部视唱运用于合唱训练能够使参与合唱者在旋律、节奏、和声等音乐要素方面更加准确地表达合唱作品的内容。