Problem was, my air chugged at times on account of its older core 2 Duo processor. 问题是,由于我的Air小本使用了老式的酷睿2处理器,因此它有的时候会喳喳咔咔作响。
He chugged the rest of his beer and stumbled over to the two girls. 他把杯中的啤酒一饮而尽,然后跌跌撞撞地向那两个女孩走去。
The craft powered by five car batteries chugged away from the banks of the Danjiangkou reservoir, with a friend aboard and many more of them cheering as they looked on from beneath a grove of orange trees. 这艘船由五块车用电池驱动,轰鸣着离开丹江口水库的岸边。谭的朋友等在岸边的橘子林中,很多人翘首期盼,发出欢呼声。
The engine chugged and coughed, and finally died. 发动机突然喀喀作响,最后熄火了。
The train chugged along. 火车发出轧轧声前进。
Example: If I hadn't chugged that beer I wouldn't feel so sick. 我要不是喝啤酒时一饮而尽,也不会感到这么眩晕。
The train chugged along. The sewing machine hums busily. 火车发出轧轧声前进。缝纫机忙碌地轧轧响着。
Wrongly assuming that she was dehydrated, she chugged down a sports drink. 她误以为自己是脱水了,便咕噜咕噜喝下一瓶饮料。
After years rusting in the sidings, the Franco-German locomotive has chugged back into view. 在经过多年生锈闲置之后,这辆德法机车哐当哐当地重回人们的视野。
The boat was going even slower now, and the engine chugged monotonously beneath them as if it were singing a lullaby. 船是更加走得慢了。轮机声喀嚓喀嚓地从下舱里爬上来,像是催眠曲。