They chummed up with each other the moment they met. 他们一见面就很热和。
You will be chummed on somebody tomorrow. Different individuals are innately fitted for different kinds of employment. 你明天要与别人同住了。不同的人适合不同的职业,这是天生的。
She chummed up with another new girl. 她又去和另一个新来的女孩子要好了。
They chummed up with the sons of other graziers. 他们和其它牧场主的儿子们是好朋友。
George wondered whether he would enjoy a holiday in a small mountain village; but he soon chummed up with the villagers'sons and they all had a wonderful time. 乔治怀疑他能否在一个小山村里欢度假期;但不久他就和村民的孩子们交上了朋友,他们都度过了一段很美好的时间。
The latter chummed with Norman, throwing Arthur Martin into company with Ruth, for which Martin was duly grateful. 奥尔尼常跟诺尔曼泡在一起,把露丝交给亚瑟和马丁陪伴。对此马丁当然很感激。
Jack chummed with the new neighbor's children. 杰克与新搬来的邻居家孩子交了朋友。
She chummed up with some girls from Bristol on holiday. 她在假期里和几个从布里斯托尔来的女孩成了好朋友。
He was sociable and chummed with many people. 他善于交际,交了许多朋友。
She's chummed up with a girl her parents don't approve of. 她和一个她父母不喜欢的女孩成为了好朋友。
The two boys seem to have chummed up pretty quickly. 这两个男孩似乎一下子结成了好朋友。
You will be chummed on somebody tomorrow. 你明天要与别人同住了。
MacGregor and Peters chummed up on the streets of new york. 麦格雷戈和彼得斯在纽约的大街上成了好朋友。
A mile from shore a fishing boat chummed the water and the word for Breakfast Flock flashed through the air, till a crowd of a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for bits of food. 离岸一英里的海上,一只渔船随波逐浪地前进,这是吃早饭的信号,近千只海鸥飞来,相互追逐着争食吃。