Torpedo: Cigar-shaped, self-propelled underwater missile, launched from a submarine, surface vessel, or airplane and designed to explode on contact with the hulls of surface vessels and submarines. 鱼雷:形似雪茄烟的自推式水下飞弹,由潜艇、水面船舰或飞机发射,根据设计,能在与水面船舰及潜艇的船身接触时发生爆炸。
The cigar-shaped object above the galaxy duo is another member of the group. 双重星系上方的雪茄形天体是星系群中的另一个成员。
The craft was neither saucer-shaped or cigar-shaped, but somewhere in between, something like a elongated saucer. 该工艺既不是飞碟形或雪茄状,而是介于两者之间,像一个拉长的飞碟的东西。
Streamlined cigar-shaped jack; good game fish. 流线型的圆体;好的猎用鱼。
The weakened artery forms an aneurysm, which is a bubble-shaped ( saccular) or cigar-shaped ( fusiform) enlargement ( Figure). 变弱的动脉会泡沫状(囊状)或雪茄形(梭形)扩大,形成一个血管瘤。
It is shown that the cigar-shaped traps affect the evolution of the BEC shift population transferring ratio, and change the characteristics of switching and self-trapping of two BEC solitons. 结果指出,雪茄形势阱对BEC系统的演化、孤子间粒子数的迁移率有明显影响,改变了两个BEC孤子间的交换与自陷特性。