The morphology of ciliated cells was observed under high magnification microscope. 高倍镜下观察纤毛细胞的形态。
Bell-shaped insect prey in the water through the ciliated micro-organisms parasites detached from the handle down on the expansion of the scope of infection. 钟形虫通过纤毛捕食水中微生物,虫体能从柄上脱落下来扩大感染范围。
In the present study, we demonstrated that the mouse embryonic stem cells were differentiated into ciliated epithelial cells, with characteristics of normal ciliated cells. 通过我们的研究,实现了由小鼠胚胎干细胞向纤毛上皮细胞的分化,并且分化细胞具有正常纤毛细胞的特性。
Ciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore. Under the glass cover of the dressing-table was a menu. 栉水母有纤毛的梳状的游泳板。梳妆台玻璃板下面,是一份定菜单。
A ciliated swimming organ that develops in certain larval stages of most marine gastropod mollusks. 游泳盘大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物的某些幼体阶段形成的一种有纤毛的游泳器官。
Trumpet-shaped protozoa with a ciliated spiral feeding funnel. 喇叭状原生动物的一属具有有纤毛的螺旋状的送食漏斗。
Expression of Cytokeratin 18 and 13 in Ciliated Epithelia of Radicular Cyst Epithelium Lining CK18和CK13在含有纤毛柱状细胞的根端囊肿衬里上皮中的表达
Bronchial ciliated columnar epithelial cell Epithelium also lines the air tubes and lung cavities. 支气管纤毛柱状上皮细胞上皮组织还衬盖气管和肺腔。
A superficial layer of benign ciliated columnar epithelia focally overlies multiple layers of dysplastic cells underneath, an observation in support of a pre-existing inverted Schneiderian papilloma. 之上,局灶性被覆良性纤毛柱状上皮,此观察支持先前存在内翻性乳头状瘤。
Eggs that reach fresh water hatch into ciliated miracidia. 虫卵进入淡水,孵化成毛蚴。
This study was designed to apply manual microdissection to isolate ciliated cells from guinea pig's nasal epithelium and offer pure cells to further research. 实验拟将手工显微分离技术应用于豚鼠鼻黏膜纤毛细胞的分离,为进一步实验提供纯净的目的细胞。
The gland epithelium was irregular pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consist a lot of secretory cells, fewer ciliated columnar cells, and basilar cells. 腺泡上皮为不太规则的假复层纤毛柱状上皮,由大量分泌细胞和少量的柱状纤毛细胞、基细胞共同构成;
To comb ( hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp. ciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore. 左右分梳把(如,头发)从分缝处向两边梳理,如在头皮上梳理栉水母有纤毛的梳状的游泳板。
Minute aquatic multicellular organisms having a ciliated wheel-like organ for feeding and locomotion; constituents of freshwater plankton. 微小的水栖的多细胞组织,有用于进食和移动的纤毛轮形组织;淡水浮游生物的组成部分。
The mucous epithelium consisted of ciliated cells, secretory cells, a few of basal cells and peg cells. 黏膜上皮主要由纤毛细胞、分泌细胞及少量基细胞和栓细胞组成。
The epithelial lining is simple epithelium composed of ciliated columnar cells, columnar cells with microvilli and secretory cells. 粘膜上皮为单层上皮,由纤毛柱状细胞、微绒毛柱状细胞和分泌细胞构成。
Islands of squamous cells were found scattered in the transitional epithelium and the ciliated epithelium but the appeared time was different. 过渡上皮和纤毛上皮中均散在岛状鳞状上皮但出现时间不一致。
The olfactory epithelium consisted primarily of receptor cells, supporting cells, ciliated cells and basal cells. 嗅觉上皮主要由感受细胞、支持细胞、纤毛细胞和基细胞组成。
The stomach mucosal epithelium consists of ciliated cells and microvilli. 胃粘膜上皮由纤毛细胞和微绒毛细胞组成。
Ciliated cells were rare. 纤毛细胞极少见。
Throughout the nasopharynx it is covered by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium. 本研究观察复盖猴鼻咽部各部位的上皮,均为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,未见有鳞状上皮。
The ciliated epithelial cells are 22 in number, arranging in a sequent order of 6,9,4 and 3 cells. 纤毛上皮细胞共22个,排列顺序为6、9、4、3,第2列呈单行排列。
Forty-eight hours later, the tracheal rings were entirely covered by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. 48h后,气管环全部由假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞覆盖。
Most of the epithelia are ciliated columnar cells. 粘膜上皮主要为单层柱状纤毛细胞。
The epithelium of the digestive tract consists of ciliated columnar cells and different amount of mucous cells. 消化道粘膜上皮由纤毛柱状细胞和数量不等的粘液细胞组成。
Ciliated columnar cells participate mainly in transport of food and secretion, and show structural features of absorptive cells. 纤毛柱状细胞参与运输食物和分泌物,并呈现吸收细胞的结构特征;
The development and differentiation of epithelial cells, especially of ciliated cells in the fallopian tubes of fetuses aged 10~ 38 weeks were studied by light and electron microscopy. 研究采用光镜和电镜技术观察了10~38周胎儿输卵管上皮细胞特别是纤毛细胞的发育和分化。
Mucosa was composed of ciliated cells, secretory cells, wedge-shaped cells and undifferentiated cells. 黏膜上皮可分为纤毛细胞、分泌细胞、楔形细胞和未分化细胞。
The tubal epithelium is mainly composed of ciliated cells and secretory cells. 输卵管上皮主要由纤毛细胞和分泌细胞组成。
Ciliated cells are mainly distributed in the mucosal folds at the top. 纤毛细胞主要分布在黏膜皱襞的顶部。