Workday demands, commuting, social events and kids 'schedules frequently dominate& inevitably clashing with the body's circadian rhythms of waking and sleeping. 每天的工作任务、上下班的交通、社交活动和孩子的日程安排经常支配了我们的时间&不可避免地与人体苏醒和睡眠的生物周期节律发生冲突。
Regular mealtimes, not just regular sleep times, help regulate our circadian rhythms. 不仅是有规律的睡眠时间,有规律的饮食时间也对调节我们的生理节奏有帮助。
It helps condition your body to fall asleep faster by creating a sleep habit and setting your circadian rhythm. 它会通过创造一个睡眠习惯和设定生理节律帮你调整出一个快速入睡的状态。
That process of always getting up at the same time helps to anchor the circadian rhythm. 总要每天在同一个时间起床的方法可以帮你固定住一个生理的节奏。
In humans melatonin levels rise at night, in response to darkness and cues from the circadian clock. 拿人体来说,由于对黑暗作出反应并受昼夜节律钟的影响,褪黑素值会在晚上升高。
This two-process model is also influenced by the circadian rhythm. 这种双进程模式也被昼夜节律[1](circadianrhythm)所影响。
The daily, or circadian, cycles guide the body's internal clock. 日常的生理节奏的循环调控着体内的生物钟。
Meal times have more effect on circadian rhythm than dark and light cycles, Dr. Panda says. 潘达博士指出:进食时间对昼夜节律的影响比光暗周期更大。
Our circadian clock, or biological timing system, governs our daily cycles of feeding, activity and sleep, with respect to external dark and light cycles. 我们的生物钟或生物调时系统,对外界黑夜和天明循环的反应,控制着我们每天进食、活动和睡眠的循环。
That daytime decline was subtle, and the people's circadian rhythms provided a bit of rescue. 白天的衰退是不明显的,并且人的生物钟帮助减小了这种衰退。
Influence of circadian rhythm on cardiac structure and function in patients with essential hypertension. 高血压患者昼夜节律对心脏结构和功能的影响。
Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock. 对生理节律的研究,发现了人体生物钟上一个不曾预料到的新分子齿轮。
Objective To investigate circadian blood pressure profile and its influencing factors in elderly hypertensive patients. 目的观察治疗中的老年高血压患者血压昼夜节律的控制情况,并分析其影响因素。
Article Name The Relationship of Circadian Rhythms of Sleep-wake, Rest-activity to the circadian Blood Pressure profile; 文献名称“杓型”与“非杓型”高血压患者的静息-活动和睡眠-觉醒昼夜节律。
In traditional medicine many treatment, Prescription, Chinese medicine and case is based on the circadian rhythm. 传统医学中有许多依据昼夜节律,进行治疗的治法、方药及验案。
Effect of Amlodipine and Nitrendipine on the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Hypertention 氨氯地平和尼群地平对高血压患者血压昼夜节律的影响
Like all birds, roosters call in a daily cycle determined by circadian rhythms. 和其他鸟类一样,生理节律决定了公鸡每天都要打鸣。
Association between abnormal circadian rhythm of blood pressure and progressive cerebral infarction 血压昼夜节律异常与进展性脑梗死的相关性研究
Loss of circadian BP change has been linked to target organ damage and accelerated kidney function loss in hypertensive patients with and without chronic kidney disease. 在伴有和不伴有慢性肾脏疾病的高血压患者中血压昼夜节律正常变化规律的丧失与靶器官损害和肾功能进行性减退有关。
They also displayed altered activity in key genes that control the roughly 24-hour circadian rhythm. 它们控制着大致24小时生理节奏的关键基因活动也表现出变化。
The Study of Effect of Habenula Nucleus on Circadian Rhythm Control System of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus-Pineal Gland 缰核在视交叉上核&松果体昼夜节律控制系统中的作用研究
Effect of transportation on cortisol concentrations and on the circadian rhythm of cortisol in gilts. 交通运输对皮质醇浓度的影响,以及小母猪的皮质醇因为昼夜节律的影响。
Polysomnography can determine the disturbances in chronobiologic rhythms and loss of normal sleep-awake patterns associated with circadian rhythm disorders. 多相睡眠描记仪可确诊时间生物节律紊乱和昼夜生理节律异常导致的正常睡眠&觉醒方式的丧失。
Biorhythm A periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock. Circadian rhythms are an example. 生物节律:由生物钟控制的周期性的生理上的或行为上的变化。昼夜节律就是一个很好的例子。
The findings highlight the need for improved diagnosis and treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders in patients who've had a mild brain injury and complain of insomnia. 这项发现强调了在那些受到过轻微脑损伤后抱怨失眠的病人中,我们需要提高对昼夜生物节律睡眠障碍的诊断和治疗。
The circadian clock contributes to plant physiology by regulating the phase of entrained rhythms. 生物钟通过调控导引节律的相位来调节植物的生理活动。
When we sleep, sleep long, by regulation of circadian rhythm system and self-balancing system management. 当我们睡觉,睡眠长,通过系统的昼夜节律调节和自我平衡的系统管理。
Using the least amount of light possible to get around helps avoid disturbing the body's circadian clock. 使用尽可能少的光线来走动,避免打乱了身体的生理钟。
That is one likely reason why researchers previously missed the impact of circadian rhythm on all genes. 这是一个可能的原因,研究人员以前错过的影响生物节律的所有基因。
The section of ANP displayed a circadian variation: higher in daytime, but lower at night. 心房肽的分泌呈近日节律性变化,日间高,而夜间低;