When he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? 是在他受割礼的时候呢。是在他未受割礼的时候呢。
One example she notes is male circumcision. 她举的一个例子就是男性包皮切除术。
We also explored whether the media could be better used to maximize the impact of male circumcision. 同时研究了是否可将媒体更好地用于最大化男性包皮环切的影响。
Studies have shown that circumcision can make it less likely for a man to contract HIV. 研究结果显示,环切手术可以使男人不容易感染艾滋病毒。
How should I care for my baby's umbilical cord stump and circumcision area? 我该如何处理宝宝的脐带以及这个切割点?
Recognize male circumcision as an important additional HIV prevention intervention. 承认包皮环切为预防艾滋病毒感染的重要补充干预措施。
Research into traditional male circumcision procedures, practices and complication rates using standardized reporting formats is needed. 需要运用标准化的报告格式研究传统男性包皮环切的程序、操作和并发症发生率。
News of the trial results presented today may increase demand for male circumcision services. 今天提出的试验结果的消息可增加对男性包皮切割服务的需求。
Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he underwent circumcision. 亚伯拉罕受割礼的时候,年九十九岁。
The most common complications were infection, incomplete circumcision requiring re-circumcision and delayed wound healing. 最常见的并发症有感染、要求再切割的不完全包皮环切和延迟伤口愈合。
He's not talking about works of Jewish law; he's not talking about circumcision. 他说的不是犹太律法规定的行为;,他不是说割礼。
Circumcision can actually increase the risk of transmission if the wounds have not properly healed following surgery. 如果手术后伤口没有正常愈合,包皮环切术实际上增加了感染的风险。
Mortality related to traditional male circumcision was0.2%. 与传统男性包皮环切相关的死亡率是0.2%。
The delegates also discussed research on male circumcision as a possible way to reduce the spread of HIV. 代表们还讨论研究了如何男性割礼,以减少艾滋病毒的蔓延。
In the history of redemption, baptism succeeded circumcision as the sign and seal of initiation. 在救赎的历史中,洗礼是继割礼之后成为进入恩典之约的记号和印记。
This is a key intervention in generalized epidemics with high HIV prevalence and low male circumcision rates. 在艾滋病毒传播率高、但男性包皮环切率低的普遍流行环境下,这是一项重要的干预措施。
Evidence for the long-term health benefits of circumcision for newborn boys has been mounting for years. 多年来,为新生男婴实施割礼手术,对其长期健康有利的证据愈加明显。
Deliver today's proven strategies on a large scale, such as HIV testing, male circumcision and treatment. 今天行之有效的策略是提供一个大的规模,如HIV检测,男性环切手术及其治疗。
OBJECTIVE: Standardization of and training in adult male circumcision can significantly reduce its complication rate. 目的:成年男性包皮环切手术标准化和培训可显着降低因手术引起的并发症发生率。
Does male circumcision reduce the risk of HIV infection? 男性包皮切割能否降低男性感染艾滋病毒的风险?
Circumcision removes the foreskin and perhaps reduces risk of epithelial infection. 包皮环切术去除了包皮,可能降低了上皮细胞感染的风险。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of standardized male circumcision with Shang Ring in reducing postoperative complications. 探讨中国商环包皮环切术标准化操作在减少术后并发症中的作用。
Male circumcision, shown to correlate with lower HIV prevalence rates for both biologic and social reasons. 出于生理和社会原因,男性包皮环切被证明与低艾滋病传播率有关。
You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and you. 你们将受割礼,这是我跟你们立约的记号。
Abraham and ishmael, his son, underwent circumcision on that very day. 就在这一天,亚伯拉罕和他儿子以实玛利就都受了割礼。
My boyfriend and I had just adopted a newborn boy and we were at odds over the circumcision issue. 我和我的男友那时领养了一个刚出生的男婴。我们也在割不割这个问题上产生过分歧。