If anything, she is an undiplomat known less for calibrated circumlocutions than for her plain speaking and sometimes her gaffes, a woman who retains both a formidable political constituency and a laugh she once admitted can send cats scurrying from a room. 归根结底,她并非传统意义上的外交家(较少字斟句酌的外交辞令,更多直言不讳,有时还会失言),而是一个保留强大政治势力的女性,自己承认发出的笑声足以让猫吓得跑出房间。
Instead of sharp suits and elegant circumlocutions, he favours shapeless sweaters and brutal ( expletive-laden) frankness; 并非坚挺的西装和优雅的拐弯抹角,他更喜欢匀称的毛衣和粗暴的率直;