Clampdowns on bank secrecy in Europe and a proliferation of billionaires in Asia helped Hong Kong and Singapore attract more overseas money over the past two years than rivals such as Switzerland, according to a report by Deloitte. 咨询机构德勤(Deloitte)的一份报告称,欧洲对银行保密制度的打击以及亚洲亿万富翁数量的增多,促使香港和新加坡在过去两年吸引的海外资金规模超过瑞士等竞争对手。
Paris has recently proposed clampdowns on hedge funds and bankers 'bonuses, in both cases using the threat of tougher capital requirements as a way of reducing what it believes to be excessive risk-taking. 法国政府最近提出要限制对冲基金和银行家奖金,对于二者,法国政府以提高资本充足率为威胁,希望借此减少其所认为的过度冒险行为。
America's "subprime" mortgage providers have been hounded by congressional committees and face regulatory clampdowns. 美国的次级抵押业务提供商受到了国会委员会的追查,贷款业务面临取缔。
So far China has got away with mere grumbling from US congressmen and a few symbolic clampdowns on trade, notably an additional tariff on Chinese tyres. 迄今为止中国都逃过了惩罚,美国国会议员不过是口出怨言,对贸易实施了一些象征性的制裁,最显著的是对中国轮胎征收额外关税。
Thousands of businesses were hit by the security and environmental clampdowns and a tightening of visa rules. 安全和环境整治以及签证规则的收紧,让数以千计的企业受到了冲击。
But as the clampdowns on a very short time, lack of related departments of judicial explanation, this constitutes a crime and the objective requirements are very complex, the current domestic scholars sin of the crime research still stays in the discussion stage. 但是由于该条文出台时间很短,缺乏相关部门的司法解释,此罪行的客观构成和要件较为复杂,目前国内学者对此罪犯罪构成的研究还停留在探讨阶段。